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Sarah N. Randolph to Robert Coulton Davis, 31 Aug. 1877

Your note of the 17th was duly received and incessant occupation must be my excuse for not answering it sooner. There is not one of Mrs Jefferson’s numerous descendents who has a paper bearing the stroke of her pen. The nearest thing to it is the label on a paper containing a golden curl from the...

Sarah N. Randolph to Robert Coulton Davis, 5 Sept. 1877

Your letter of the 3d was received to-day and I hasten to write and thank you for sending me the enclosed slips containing a copy of my great-grandmothers letter. I am afraid from Mrs Smith’s letter that neither “love nor money” could ever get the original from her for you. There is just a bare...

Virginia J. Randolph Trist to Virginia Randolph Burke, 1 Mar. [ca. 1880]

You have been sadly neglected my darling children, since Poor Harry’s illness. We felt so anxious & unhappy about him that no one had the heart to write. Now he is improving steadily & sent his love to every body in his mother’s last letter. She is charmed with the whole family of Jone’s,...

Martha J. Trist Burke’s “Relics from ‘Monticello,’” 9 Aug. 1888

Relics from “Monticello” 1st The old french clock supported between black marble Obelisks. This clock was brought from France by Thomas Jefferson, and stood always near the head of his bed on a wooden bracket which is at Edgehill. When the sale of Mr Jefferson’s personal property took place at ...

Martha J. Trist Burke’s Notes on Trist Family History, [ca. 1888–1901]

My great grandfather “Nicholas Trist,” (Son of Browse & Elizabeth Trist of the town of Devonshire England) came to America during the Revolution, and was Lieutenant in the “Royal Irish” of which his brother Browse Trist was Col at Bunker Hill My great grandfather married in Phila a Miss ...

Elizabeth Marks Bedford to Eleanor E. Wright, 17 Dec. 1914

I am sending you the Papers in reference to my Mother and Father as I told you I would I have been very sick for the last six weeks or I would of sent them sooner Hopeing you may be successfull in placing them and the articles I gave you where they will be taken care of
