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Thomas Jefferson’s Family: A Genealogical Chart

First Generation Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826) married Second Generation—Thomas Jefferson’s Married Children Martha Jefferson (1772–1836) married Maria Jefferson (1778–1804) married Madison Hemings (1805–1877) married Eston [Hemings] Jefferson (1808–1856) married Third Generation—Thomas Jefferson...

Peter Jefferson: Plan of the Town of Beverley, 6 June 1751

This is a Plan of the Town of Beverley. The Streets are three Poles wide, each Lot contains Half an Acre, and is two chains, and Twenty four Links Square, and the Breadth, of half a street is laid off on each side of the Town. 6th June 1751.

Will of Peter Jefferson, 13 July 1757

In the Name of God Amen I Peter Jefferson of the County of Abemarle being of perfect and sound memory (for which I bless God) Do make and Publish this my Last Will and Testament revoking & annulling all former or other Wills by me heretofore made in manner & form following that is to say...

Juliana Annesley (Maxwell) to Martha Jefferson (Randolph), 20 April 1786

Allow me my Dear Girl to profit of the promise you have made me to correspond with me, and as I cannot bear the least shadow of formality between friends, I shall thro’ the whole of this letter endeavour to put away the remembrance of its being the first letter; I hope you will follow my example....

Juliana Annesley (Maxwell) to Martha Jefferson (Randolph), 27 April 1786

I am very angry with my Dear Jeffy for not having yet answered my Letter and am resolved to be revenged by not speaking to you for 100 years to come if I do not hear from you this very day I like punctual correspondants, therefore in your letter tell me if you can answer me to all my notes—I am...

Martha Jefferson Randolph to Elizabeth Trist, Aug. 1786

Your letter put an end to the inquietude that your long silence had caused us. Be assured that I will remember you as long as I live. I am very happy in the Convent and with reason for there wants nothing but the presence of my friends of America to render my situation worthy to be envied by the...

Martha Jefferson (Randolph) to St. John de Crèvecoeur, [ca. 1787]

Miss Jefferson’s compliments to Mr De Crevecoeur, she cannot receive the valuable present he has been so kind as to send her. she considers the offer of it as a sufficient proof of his friendly disposition and begs leave in returning it to tender to him her esteem and her thanks

Eliza M. Barclay to Martha Jefferson (Randolph), 2 Feb. 1787

The pleasure your agreable letter afforded me My dear girl would easily Make me forget forgive and even forget the uneasiness your silence gives me tho’ I cannot allow of the Justness of your Excuses for not writing as one sees by your letters that your time is far from being Employed in trifles....

Amelie de Monville to Martha Jefferson (Randolph), [ca. 1787]

Je m’empresse de répondre au désir que tu as la bonté de me témoigner de recevoir tout de suite de mes nouvelles, je suis charmée d’apprendre par la tienne les circonstances qui m’ont privée de la recevoir plutôt, et que ton amitié pour moi n’est pas changée plus que la miene à ton égard, je me...

Bridget Hawkins (Roper-Curzon) to Martha Jefferson (Randolph), [ca. 1788]

I thought My Dr Jefferson we had made an agreement to write to each other once every week—just before I left London I wrote you a letter of 5 pages, (therefore you can not complain of its shortness) & have not received any answer whatsoever—I have puzzled my brain for some days past to find...

Bridget Hawkins (Roper-Curzon) to Martha Jefferson (Randolph), [ca. 1788]

Abscence my Dr Jef certainly enhances the value of those we love & makes us more anxious for their welfare—since I left Paris I do not remember anything to have afforded me so much real satisfaction as your last letter—I began to be very uneasy at your long silence fearing it might be...
