Virginia J. Randolph Trist to Virginia Randolph Burke
Alexandria March 1st [1880] |
You have been sadly neglected my darling children, since Poor Harry’s illness. We felt so anxious & unhappy about him that no one had the heart to write. Now he is improving steadily & sent his love to every body in his mother’s last letter. She is charmed with the whole family of Jone’s, & the boys, so much sympathy with Harry & were so willing to sit up at night or do anything they could for him.
I have been quite indisposed myself, but after a couple of days in bed I am on foot again. Fanny has had to fill her mother’s place as well as she could which is I think very well. She had a nice ride with her father a few days ago, after dinner. She would ride oftener but the horses are so much in the stable that her father will not trust her with any person but himself.
Every body in Alexandria seemed to feel interested in Harry, & they were calling, & enquiring of any member of this family whom they chanced to meet in the streets, after Harry. He must have many friends here. Miss Mary Snowden has been a great sufferer from an inflamed eye. She was in bed & suffered severely with the pain for three weeks. She has been able to come in once to see me, but she had her eyes covered & was led. She is getting better & will soon be out as usual I hope.
Colas is very busy at the Office, often writes in the evening. Ned goes to school regularly & studies his lessons all the evening.
The cats are all well, I have not seen Catherine lately she lives in the stable in mild weather. Julia devotes her services to the storeroom. Lord Mortimer & his niece Miss Topsey are more excessive in their services & Toppie is so naughty as to climb trees & no doubt catches birds. She is very fascinating in her ways. I feed the birds through my window daily, & they know the sound of raising the window & come when they hear it. They are busy now preparing their nests for the young birds.
Cousin Sue comes in to see me for a few minutes at a time. I was sorry to hear from her that dear Jeff Harrison had a cold & had gone to Washington to his brother. He is such a favourite of mine that I miss his little visits. Give my love to your dear Cousins Mary, Ellen & Carrie. Also give my love to Mary Lawton particularly, and to any young friends who remember me, & last but not least, to Mary Brown. This is the longest letter I have written this year. I am fatigued & must bid you good bye my darlings1 at once
All send love but I am too tired to deliver messages. Ever your loving Grandmama