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Thomas Jefferson’s Family: A Genealogical Chart

First Generation Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826) married Second Generation—Thomas Jefferson’s Married Children Martha Jefferson (1772–1836) married Maria Jefferson (1778–1804) married Madison Hemings (1805–1877) married Eston [Hemings] Jefferson (1808–1856) married Third Generation—Thomas Jefferson...

Peter Jefferson: Plan of the Town of Beverley, 6 June 1751

This is a Plan of the Town of Beverley. The Streets are three Poles wide, each Lot contains Half an Acre, and is two chains, and Twenty four Links Square, and the Breadth, of half a street is laid off on each side of the Town. 6th June 1751.

Will of Peter Jefferson, 13 July 1757

In the Name of God Amen I Peter Jefferson of the County of Abemarle being of perfect and sound memory (for which I bless God) Do make and Publish this my Last Will and Testament revoking & annulling all former or other Wills by me heretofore made in manner & form following that is to say...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to John Page, 12 Dec. 1762 [Quote]

Well, Page, I do wish the Devil had old Cooke, for I am sure I never was so tired of an old dull scoundrel in my life ... But the old-fellows say we must read to gain knowledge; and gain knowledge to make us happy and be admired. Mere jargon! Is there any such thing as happiness in this world? No...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson’s Memorandum Books [Quote]

agreed with mr Moore that he shall level 250 f. square on the top of the mountain at the N E end by Christmas, for which I am to give 180 bushels of wheat, and 24 bushels of corn, ... if there should be any solid rock to dig we will leave to indifferent men to settle that part between us

Extract from Thomas Jefferson’s Memorandum Books [Quote]

four good fellows, a lad & two girls of abt 16. each in 8 ½ hours dug in my cellar of mountain clay a place 3.f. deep, 8 f. wide & 16 ½ f. long = 142/3 cubical yds. ... in digging my dry well, at the depth of 14 f. I observed one digger, one filler, one drawer … it was a yellow rotten...
