Martha J. Trist Burke’s List of Trist Family Relics, with Notes
List of silver made June 20th 1901—Copied from a list made April 20th 1891. revised & added to.
“Trist Silver” | |
1 silver bread basket | given to N. P. T. Burke by his grandmother |
1 set heavy silver Castors, with mustard & pepper Spoon | Fanny |
1 Sugar dish | Virginia R. Burke |
1 cream pitcher given when1 she married to | Ellen C. Burke |
1 soup ladle | Edmund J. Burke |
1 Fish slice | Harry R. Burke |
5 tea spoons marked Trist but belonged to | Philip Livingston Jones |
my grand mother’s 2d husband, who requested that my father “Nicholas Trist”2 should take his name “Philip” which he did, Mr Jones left him all of his silver among other things a very handsome & Complete silver tea service upon a solid silver tray, my father never recd any thing but the 5 tea Spoons, the rest all being absorbed into the family of my grand mother’s 3d husband by whom she had 2 children, Mary & Julian de “Tournillon,” my father of course never would claim the Jones Silver! the little spoons should be marked P. L. J. this accounts for the Philip in my fathers name, he was christened Nicholas Trist after his grandfather who was in the battle of “Bunker Hill” in the “Royal Irish” Regiment of which his brother was Col. my grandfather was at first “Ensign” and was promoted to Captain or to Lieutenant.
The teaspoons belonging to the Trist silver were never sent to my father, nor were the salt cellars, which were open work with blue glass linings–oblong in shape with the corners cut off [. . .] to continue the list of silver
1 Asparagus fork or spoon. given to Mary Trist by my Mother.
21 Table spoons—one was stolen in “France” (the others never were sent to my father)3
17 Desert spoons
5 salt spoons
24 Forks (large)
5 small gravy ladles, said to have been intended also for a “Punch bowl.”
1 pair Sugar tongs (open worked handles) not Trist they belonged to my father’s maternal grand mother (C Katherine Brown) née [. . .]Colquohoun) called “Calqhoun” in this country.
1 doz. plain tea Spoons which my mother had made & marked V. J. T. which she told me to give to Virginia, there were originally [. . .] 17. 3 were stolen at one time from my mother & one from me. leaving 13, I gave the odd one to Fanny Cole before one was stolen. now only 11. June 1910
Pieces of Trist Silver given to Browse’s children by my mother—
Old Tankard given to N. P. Trist Colas
Old Coffee Pot given to George Waring Trist
Asparagus Spoon, Sugar Spoon & Small gravy ladle given to Mary Helen Trist, by her grandmother V J Trist
Aunt Cornelia bequeathed her Silver beaker marked G. W. to T. J. ie George Wythe to Thomas Jefferson to my brother Dr Hore Browse Trist, also a Small Silver funnel and a small shorthandled tea Spoon, the latter used by grandmama Martha Jefferson when she was at school in Paris, at the “Abbeye Royalle de Panthemont.” Mary Trist has all of these pieces of Silver.
List of Silver given to me when I was married
A Set of desert Knives from Dr Robley Dunglison not marked
A Cake Knife from Willie Dunglison marked
An Ice cream Knife from Tom Dunglison marked
A Set of Sheffield English plated breakfast Castors fr Dick Dunglison
A Set of desert Knives marked M. J. T. from Polly Carter, & Rosalie Reeves, & [Nannie Minor?] my pupils at “Redlands”
1 “Pie Knife” from “Mr Bulfinch” (Thomas) the author of the Age of Fable, “Age of Chivalry,” “Legends of Charlemagne”4 “Hebrew Lyrical Poetry” & “Romance of the Rivers.”
1 pair Silver salt cellars & Spoons “not marked, from Charles and Sallie Maury. Given to Anne P. Maury for a wedding present
2 Silver Egg Cups & Spoons, & 2 napkin rings from James L. Maury all marked. M. J. T.
6 tea spoons from Maria L. Burke marked B John had them made over in Baltimore.
1 doz dinner forks given us by Dr Murphy originally marked M. J T. J W B. the forks were so ugly & clumsy that J W B had them made over in Baltimore and marked B.
2 Silver Shells, for olives, or pickles. from old Mrs John Dulaney
Ellen Dwight left me a small plated Sugar dish, with glass cup inside which belonged to Thomas Jefferson & was used by him in Paris, & also used at “Monticello”—
also a pair of small open work handled sugar tongs & 8 teaspoons twisted handles, marked (M S B Martha & Bathurst Skelton) they belonged to great grandmama Jefferson a widow Skelton when she married T.J. these articles and the 3 pictures which Ellen left me she said were to go to my daughters at my death.
of the pictures “Hector & Andromache” by Benjamin West, & bequeated to T. Jefferson by “Kosiosko” is really valuable in a pecuniary point of view. the “Holy Family” is a good copy and valuable as having belonged to Thomas Jefferson, the “Déjéuné [. . .] at Ferney” is ugly but rare, I cannot undertake to divide these articles, my dear [. . .] daughters must divide or draw lots.
Ellen Dwight sent me a very small pair of silver salt cellars & spoons the Xmas that Ned had typoid fever, I gave them to him.
½ dozen coffee spoons and Sugar tongs from Johnnie M. Burke not marked
a souvenir spoon from Sarah Burke, marked Burke—
Articles belonging to Joh Colas, N. P. T Burke
large silver basket & a tea spoon, the only Trist teaspoon that came to my father, my mother had marked N. P. T B. for the baby” N. P. T. B“
Silver Beaker marked G. W. to T. J. “George Wythe” to Thomas Jefferson, given to N. P. T. B by his great aunt Mary J Randolph.