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Mr. de Liniers to Thomas Jefferson, [ca. 1789]

Mr de liniers à lhonneur dengager Monsieur de jeffreson a une partie de chesse au poire et au melon aller. il lui sera obligée de vouloir bien rendre reponse par ecrit au commissionnaire.

Poems sent by Elizabeth Tufton to Marie Jacinthe de Botidoux, [ca. 1789]

Naive avec finesse et vive avec decence par vous tout est charmant par vous tout s’embellit comme vous la pudeur rougit. comme vous sourit l’innocence un mot indifferent si par Vous il est dit nous paroit un trait d’eloquence et votre role est toujours plein d’esprit meme pendant votre silence...

Unknown to Martha Jefferson (Randolph), [ca. 1789]

Que Je Suis donc heureuse Mademoiselle d’avoir une amie qui dans toutes les marques d’amitié a je cheris plus que tout " Je me Suis laissé imoler pour ce que vous avez de plus chere pouvois je plus vous aimer ne versez point de larmes amere Sur ma destinée voyant l’objet qui a tant Su de vous...

Thomas Mann Randolph to Thomas Mann Randolph (1741–1793), April 1789

Several days have elapsed since I arrived here from my expedition to the mountains, but I have been so much indisposed that I could not with ease proceed immediately to Richmond. I am extremely impatient to set out for New-York where my time would be much more profitably spent, & wish if it...

Caroline Tufton (Barham) to Martha Jefferson (Randolph), 2 May 1789

We have been some time past in daily expectation of hearing from you, which indeed has prevented me from writing as we were afraid you had not received our letters, for though we had the satisfaction of knowing you arrived safely in America, yet we should have been much more happy, to have heard...

Marie Jacinthe de Botidoux to Martha Jefferson (Randolph), [ca. 1789]

enfin chere jefferson il est decidé que tu ne reviendras plus ici, je ne voulois pas Le Croire mais Malheureusement il n’y a plus Lieu d’en douter, tu ne te fais pas d’idée Combien je suis triste j’ai pleuré hier au soir malgré tout Le soin que je prenois de me distraire de Ces pensées, et je Le...

Marie Bath to Martha Jefferson (Randolph), 23 June [1789]

I make you my Complts Dear Jefferson Vous avez emportes la pomme aussi Vous est elle bien due—I hard of yr parti fine the other Day at the Palais Royale with the Duke of Dorset & his two nieces—a Gentelman told me he had Seen you & that you remain’d there till it was quite duskish &...

Bridget Hawkins Roper-Curzon to Martha Jefferson (Randolph), 2 July 1789

I received your letter yesterday & tho’ I have very little time tonight I would not omit answering it for the world, least you should have a pretext for not sending me your address in Virginia, & thereby lay me under the necessity of putting a period to our correspondance; before I thank...

Caroline Tufton (Barham) to Martha Jefferson (Randolph), [ca. 7 Aug. 1789]

We are in such confusion ever since nine ’clock this morning, when the Duke decided to go to England tomorrow, which we should have been otherwise glad of, if we had not left you at Paris; the idea of parting with you hurts us more than we can describe, but as we have a great deal to do, we think...

Caroline Tufton (Barham) to Martha Jefferson (Randolph), 13 Aug 1789

We arrived here Wednesday night having spent two days at Sir Horace Mann’s near Canterbury, where there was a Cricket Match, the house quite full of company, and very few people we knew, added to being very much tired with our journey, made us very glad to get away, I am sure if you had been...

Caroline Tufton (Barham) to Martha Jefferson (Randolph), 2 Sept 1789

It is impossible for me to discribe, how happy I feel at hearing from you, and what ever pleasure I have felt at seeing my friends in England, it has not been equal to the pain of a seperation from you, which if not eternal, is so distant, as to afford me very little hope, but I will no longer...

Elizabeth Tufton to Martha Jefferson (Randolph), 18 Sept. [1789]

My dear Miss Jefferson I hope will not accuse me of neglect in not having thanked her for her letter & the canes which she has been so good as to send me. the truth is we have been in the country, where there was nothing happenned to entertain me sufficiently to write a very dull answer in...

Caroline Tufton (Barham) to Martha Jefferson (Randolph), 24 Sept. 1789

I have this moment received your letter and take the first opportunity of thanking you for it, and am afraid you will still be set out before this reaches you, you cannot imagine how sincerely we all lament your departure to America, for my part it seems as a fresh seperation, for while you were...

Elizabeth Tufton to Martha Jefferson (Randolph), 23 Oct. 1789

I have just received my dear Miss Jefferson’s kind letter which surprized very agreeably as I had seen some time ago in the newspapers, that you were at Cowes, we have frequently thought of you since, imagining you were on the sea by this time—I do not think we shall be wrong in our conclusions—I...

Marie Jacinthe de Botidoux to Martha Jefferson (Randolph), 4 Nov. 1789

Mercredi 4 Novembre 1789 enfin Ma Chere je vais aujourd’hui Commencer Mon journal, je n’ai pas eu Le Courage de L’entreprendre plutot, ainsi tu peux t’attendre que Cette Lettre sera 4 fois plus mal ecrite que Les autres puisque je ne pourrai pas me ressouvenir de tout en ordre pour Commencer par...

Marie Jacinthe de Botidoux to Martha Jefferson (Randolph), 7 Nov. 1789

Samedi 7 novembre 1789 je viens de recevoir une Lettre de Curson ou elle me repond que son mari est outré de mes soupcons, quelle se brouillera avec moi si je refuse d’aller passer un an avec elle L’été prochain qu’elle ne me veut pas Cet hiver parscequ’elle n’ira pas à Londre, mais quelle...

Marie Jacinthe de Botidoux to Martha Jefferson (Randolph), 15 Nov. 1789

16 15 Novembre 1789 voici un billet d’enterrement du Clergé qui Court paris. M. vous êtes priés d’assister au Convoi et enterrement de très haut très puissant et très magnifique seigneur Clergé. décédé dans La salle de L’assemblée Nationale Le jour des morts 1789. son Corps sera porté par mrs...

Thomas Mann Randolph (1741–93) to Thomas Mann Randolph, 1 Dec 1789

It was not my intention, when I wrote to you last, to offend you, disgust you, or even to give you any uneasiness even, for a moment but I find, from a paragraph in your letter: which I shall not quote to you; and to your leaving Tuckahoe in a hurry, and in bad Weather and going still Farther...

Marie Jacinthe de Botidoux to Martha Jefferson (Randolph), 15 Dec. 1789

15 Decembre 1789 Mon journal n’est pas bien exact Comme tu vois Mais en verité ma chere C’est que je suis fort embarassée, tantot je pense que je t’ennuye en te racontant des choses qui ne sont pas plus plaisantes et que Ces details ne t’interessent pas du tout, ensuite je me ressouviens de nos...

Caroline Tufton (Barham) to Martha Jefferson (Randolph), 19 Dec. 1789

It is impossible for me to express how much pleasure your kind letter gave me, which I intended to have answered last month, but was unfortunately prevented, I was quite unhappy to think you were in England without a possibility of our meeting, but I am now in expectation of hearing of your safe...