Marie Bath to Martha Jefferson (Randolph)

I make you my Complts Dear Jefferson Vous avez emportes la pomme aussi Vous est elle bien due—I hard of yr parti fine the other Day at the Palais Royale with the Duke of Dorset & his two nieces—a Gentelman told me he had Seen you & that you remain’d there till it was quite duskish & that the Duke avoit lair fort esprit de Vous, je nen suis pas etonné ma chere Jef—Son choit ne peut que lui faire honneur et faire bien, bien, des jaloux—I shall now implore yr protection my Dr friend you have all power over the Duke & for you, what will he not do. if in yr Conversations with him you Would aske him What is done about what he was So kind to interest himself for me, you would for ever & ever oblige me—I know he will Say I am quite a boar to him but if his grace will only consider a moment my Situation it will I am sure apologize for my being So troublesome. Adieu my Dr friend may you be as happy as you merite & that can neaver be to much

yrs most Sincerely affcon
Maria Bath

My love to Polly

RC (Privately owned, 2015); partially dated; dateline at foot of text; addressed: “A Mademoiselle Mademoiselle Jefferson a la grille De Chaliot”; endorsed: “de panthemont.”

vous avez emportes la pomme aussi vous est elle bien due: “you took the apple as it is indeed due to you,” but informally, “you took the prize.” the Duke avoit lair fort esprit de Vous . . . des jaloux: “the duke seemed to care very much about you, which I am not surprised, my dear Jef—his choice can only honor him and make many, many people jealous.

Date Range
June 23, 1789