Thomas Jefferson’s Land Grant for 400 Acres in Amherst County
Thos Jefferson 400 Acres Form Page 1
George the third &c To all &c. Know ye that for divers Good Causes and Considerations but more especially for and in Consideration of the sum of Forty Shillings of Good and Lawful Money for our use paid to our Receiver General of our Revenues in this our Colony and Dominion of Virginia We have Given Granted and Confirmed and by these presents for us our Heirs and successors Do Give Grant and Confirm unto Thomas Jefferson one certain Tract or Parcel of Land Containing four hundred Acres lying and being in the County of Amherst on both sides of Bold Branch & Bounded as followeth (to wit) Beginning at a White Oak on Bold Branch thence on Robert Hardy’s line North twenty five Degrees West one hundred and six Poles to Pointers North eighty three Degrees West sixty Poles to Pointers North thirty nine Degrees East one hundred and eight Poles to Pointers North sixty four Degrees East two hundred Poles to a Red oak South sixty five Degrees East one hundred and forty Poles to Pointers South forty one Degrees East sixty two Poles to Pointers South twenty Degrees East eighty Poles to Pointers South forty two Degrees West sixty Poles to Pointers North fifty six Degrees West eighty Poles to Pointers South sixty eight Degrees West two hundred and eighteen Poles to the first Station. With all &c. To have hold &c. To be held &c. Yielding & Paying &c. Provided &c. In Witness &c. Witness our Trusty and welbeloved Francis Fauquier Esquire our Lieutenant Governor & Commander in Chief of our said Colony and Dominion at Williamsburgh under the seal of our said Colony the twenty seventh day of June one thousand seven hundred and sixty four In the fourth year of our Reign