1 May 1790 il nous est arrivé une anglaise dont L’histoire est un roman fort embrouillé ne t’etonne pas de n’y rien Comprendre puisqu’elle Même Ne Le peut pas—elle est fille unique et a perdu sa Mere, autant que je puis voir elle est très riche, a elle n’a que 15 ans Mais elle est grande Comme...
7 May 1790 je vais te racconter une de mes petites bêtises pour que tu puisse te Moquer de moi à Ton aise je Crus Lire dans une Lettre de Curson il y a 15 jours quelle avoit recu de tes nouvelles depuis que tu etois en amerique. je me Mets à pleurer Comme une folle enfin au bout de deux heures,...
Dimanche Le 7 9 May 1790 j’etois hier soir Chez Mde De Villiers faite Comme un diable C’est a dire Comme à Mon ordinaire. on sonne au parloir, Mde D’orgemont Me dit que C’est Mr Shurt je Crois que C’est une plaisanterie Mlle Benard un instant après dit qu’il s’en est allé et qu’il n’a pas voulu...
It makes me inexpressibly happy to find that your displeasure towards me has in some means subsided. I take that opportunity of laying open the motives of my conduct & of exposing it thro’ all its circumstances to your calm consideration. The purchase of Edgehill was suggested by Mr Jefferson...
Immediately on receiving your letter I sent my servant back to Monticello for the Memo of the agreement between you & Mr Jefferson, which I had left not thinking I shd want it. The journey cannot be performed in less than 4 days & at the expiration of that time it shall be returned to you...
You cannot imagine my dear Mrs Randolph, how happy I was to hear from you, particularly as it was so long since I had written, that I began to fear you had either you had either never received my letter, or that you had quite forgot me; for though I was very glad to hear you were so happily...
Ben Hughes, I suppose, will write to you by this Opportunity, giving an Acct of your Affairs at Varina, which are distressing as to the Crop, and Stock—not Corn enough for the Use of the Farm, 700 bushels of Wheat not Merchantable & refused by Boyd & Ker, but they have, by my Advice...
Mrs Pine set off this morning to England I staid with her till a day or two before she went and am now with papa and hope to be for some time I expect to go then to mrs Brodeau. I have heard that she is a very agreeable woman and that all her scholars are very fond of her Papa intends to go to...
I find that the payments I have made to you will just about discharge my debt to you on open account and therefore propose that they should be applied to liquidate this instead of being against my first bond. I send you a copy of the account as complete as I can draw it before I see Mr Hughes,...
To the PUBLIC MY character has lately been the subject of much conversation, blackened with the imputation of crimes at which humanity revolts, and which the laws of society have pronounced worthy of condign punishment. The charge against me was spread far and wide before I received the smallest...
At a court held for Cumberland county the twenty ninth day of April one thousand seven hundred and ninety three for the examination of Richard Randolph who stands committed and charged with feloniosly murdering a child said to be born of Nancy Randolph,—Present— The Court being thus constituted...
Altho Several years have elapsed, I every day think with pleasure on the happy Moments (for indeed an hour appeared but a Moment) I passed with you and your Amiable Sister at your ever Adorable Fathers house at Paris. At that time I was plunged in the deepest Affliction on several accounts: but...
By the breaking of my carriage the first half mile of the journey I am baulked in my intention of being at Dover today. Counting with great certainty upon being there I have not given any orders to D. Nowling about hiring negroes for my Brother John. I wish little Joe and Abraham to be hired for...
I am going up to Richmond tomorrow with my children to be inoculated. I shall take lodgings somewhere and stay with them myself till they are safe through as Mrs Randolph cannot be with them on account of the age of the youngest, being just about teething. If Mrs Watkins & yourself will...
Thos Jefferson 8½ Acres BedfordExd James Wood Esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia To all to whom these Presents shall come Greeting Know ye that by Virtue of a Land office Treasury Warrant Number one thousand eight hundred and thirty two, issued the third day of March one thousand...
Thomas Jefferson 100 acres CampbellExd James Wood Esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia To all To whom these presents shall come Greeting Know ye that by virtue of a Land Office Treasury Warrant Number seventeen hundred and twenty four issued the fifth day of December one thousand...
Thomas Jefferson 800 Acres Campbell & Bedford CountiesExd James Wood Esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia To all To whom these presents shall come Greeting Know ye that by Virtue of a Land Office Treasury Warrant Number Seventeen hundred and twenty two issued the sixth day of...
I must again write to you my Dear Sister tho’ a painful doubt has sometimes arrisen, whether, or not, it is agreeable to you; & as much as I have endeavor endeavour’d to find reasons for your silence I can imagine none that could for so long a time, have occasion’d it. I was sorry to hear...
après huit ans de Silence je recois donc enfin de Tes nouvelles Chere Jefferson tu ne Sauras jamais Le plaisir que j’ai Eprouvée En recevant La Lettre de Bruny qui Me parloit de toi, Et je ne sais trop même si je devrois te L’avouer Car Ces 8 années de silence Me pésent toujours sur Le Cœur....
Depuis Ma premiere Lettre partie Ma Chere j’ai rencontré Mr Skipwith ton parent qui m’a promis de faire passer Mes Lettres Et surtout de Me faire passer tes reponces. tu n’auras donc plus d’Excuse Ma Chere ainsi j’espere que j’aurai une réponce de toi avant peu—Lorsque je sus que Mr Skipwith non...
il faut t’aimer autant que je Le fais Chere jefferson pour avoir encore Le Courage de t’Ecrire apres 10 ans de silence de ta part C’est ma foiblesse Mais Enfin tu Es Ma premiere amie Et toujours Celle que j’aime Le Mieux Malgré ta paresse Extraordinarie. je suis Devenue bien paresseusse aussi...
il y a aujourdhui trois ans ma chere jef que je pris place dans le Stage de Wilmington pour me rendre auprès de toi. o tems bien heureux que je le regrette. oui ma chere amie je puis te jurer que les 2 mois que je passais a Varina peuvent etre mis au nombre des peu de tems que moments que j’ai...
I have only time to write a line to you My dearest husband, the incessant round of company we are in scarcely allowing time to dress to recieve them. I am at this moment writing whilst waiting for a gown to be smooth’d, tho the drawing room is full of ladys. your dear son bore the journey tho a...
As I could not be with you to read to you what I had written I leave it for you. My conversation with gentlemen here has made me think lighter of those infamous stories than I did: therefore I have not sent it to the Gazette as I intended: it being necessary to put my name to a paragraph such as...
A thousand thanks My Dear Mrs Bache for your very friendly letter, and I am equally obliged to you for the friendly construction you were so good as to put upon my apparent neglect of it—it found me the second day after my arrival at this place, in the midst of unpacking opening arranging and all...