Thomas Jefferson’s Land Grant for 800 Acres in Campbell and Bedford Counties
Thomas Jefferson 800 Acres Campbell & Bedford CountiesExd
James Wood Esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia To all To whom these presents shall come Greeting Know ye that by Virtue of a Land Office Treasury Warrant Number Seventeen hundred and twenty two issued the sixth day of December one thousand seven hundred and ninety five there is granted by the said Commonwealth unto Thomas Jefferson a Certain Tract or parcel of land Containing eight hundred Acres by Survey bearing date the twenty third day of December one thousand seven hundred & ninety five lying and being in the Countys of Campbell & Bedford on the Branches of Dreaming Creek and Buffaloe Creek and bounded as followeth (to wit) Beginning at Thompsons Corner three Chesnuts on his own line thence along Thompsons line South eighty two degrees East eighty poles to his Corner small red Oak, thence Off South two hundred & forty poles to pointers South fifty five degrees East ninety poles to a forked black Jack South twenty two degrees East thirty four poles to a Black Jack, South fifty eight degrees West Seventy two poles to pointers on Richard Callaways Road South sixteen degrees West Crossing the Road forty five poles to a white oak South fifty eight degrees West three hundred and twenty four poles to pointers on William Callaways line thence along William Callaways line North twelve degrees East Sixty poles to his Corner white oak Just over a fork of Buffaloe Creek North Seventy two degrees West ninety four poles to his Corner Shrub white Oak North fifteen degrees West two hundred and Seventy Six poles to his Corner Red oak on Richard Callaways Road up the Road North Seventy two degrees West fifty six poles to his Corner small Spanish oak South fifty eight degrees West seventy poles to his Corner Small Red oak North fifty two degrees West one hundred and twenty two poles to his Corner pointers on Moseleys line thence along Moseleys line North Sixty three degrees East Seventy four poles to his Corner in a Naked place on his own line, the line of the old Poplar Forest tract thence along his own lines South thirty nine degrees East eighty poles to his Corner white oak East one hundred and Seventy poles to his Corner pointers South twenty three degrees East Sixty four poles to his Corner pointers on the said Road down the same North Sixty nine degrees East eighty poles to his Corner pointers North eighty degrees East one hundred and twenty two poles to his Corner tripple Chesnut North two hundred and ten poles to his Corner pine North Sixty three degrees East forty four poles to his Corner white oak North three degrees East twenty Six poles to the Beginning with its Appurtenances to have and to hold the said Tract or Parcel of land with its Appurtenances to the said Thomas Jefferson and his Heirs forever In Witness whereof the said James Wood Esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia hath hereunto Set his hand and Caused the lesser Seal of the said Commonwealth to be Affixed at Richmond on the twenty third day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and ninety Seven and of the Commonwealth the twenty first