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Thomas Mann Randolph to Joseph C. Cabell, 23 Mar. 1810

Your letter of yesterday making known your willingness to present yourself as a Candidate for the Senate immediately gives me great satisfaction. I am in the first place gratified in a public matter of very great importance; for most certainly I should without hezitation if the election rested on...

Samuel House to Elizabeth Trist, 6 Apr. 1810

After a long silence for which I am ashamed, I have to Apologize to you for such neglectful behaviour, I again went down to enquire after the health and happiness of my Dear Aunt, as such an opportunity offers which I readily embrace, & hope you will forget past negligence, If I promise,...

Harriet Hackley to Dolley Madison, 27 Apr. 1810

Your kind, & welcome letter my dear Madam reach’d me only a few days before I was under the disagreeable necessity of quitting my home, my Husband, & part of my little family to cross the Ocean; without a protector, seeking in the bosoms of my natural friends, & my beloved Country an...

Elizabeth Trist to Catharine Wistar Bache, 29 May 1810

as I am satisfied of the kind and friendly interest you take in my family am induced to communicate all that comes from them, tho at present I write with difficulty as I have a poultis on my thumb in consiquence of a gathering which is attended with some pain but I am in hopes that it will soon...

Elizabeth Trist to Nicholas P. Trist, 3 June 1810

I, was delighted my Dear Nicholas at the receipt of your letter which was a testimony of your remembrance as also of your application to your duties, which from your Mothers Lamentation for the loss you had sustaind in the Death of your Father and her inability to pay the attention you required,...

Elizabeth Trist to Catharine Wistar Bache, 17 July 1810

I am fated not enjoy tranquility of mind for any length of time poor Mary what is to become of her and the family by Mr Grimes sophistry she is deprived of every means of support beside being involved in debt, gracious God what will not a deceiving villian effect. I am sorry that she did not...

Elizabeth Trist to Catharine Wistar Bache, 23 Aug. 1810

If any thing that William Brown cou’d do was to surprise me, your information wou’d have had that effect his conduct seems altogether Mysterious after the part he has acted to expose himself to a publick audience some of whom if he even had a thought he must have believe’d wou’d recognise him for...

Elizabeth Trist to Catharine Wistar Bache, 15 Sep. [1810]

I am uneasy my Dr friend at not hearing from you for so long a period hope you have had no new cause of distress in your family. The Country begins to be very sickly several families in this Village are down with violent Bilious fevers as yet there has been no mortality, except a young Lady by...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to John B. Colvin, 20 Sept. 1810 [Quote]

The question you propose, Whether circumstances do not sometimes occur which make it a duty in officers of high trust to assume authorities beyond the law, is easy of solution in principle, but sometimes embarrasing in practice. a strict observance of the written laws is doubtless one of the high...

Elizabeth Trist to Catharine Wistar Bache, 24 Oct. [1810]

I shou’d have written to you My beloved friend ere this but I had nothing satisfactory to communicate Our passage down the Deleware was tedious not having, some part of the time a breath of wind but we had good entertainment and respectable company to the number of thirty including Servants we...