Elizabeth Trist to Catharine Wistar Bache

My Dear friend

as I am satisfied of the kind and friendly interest you take in my family am induced to communicate all that comes from them, tho at present I write with difficulty as I have a poultis on my thumb in consiquence of a gathering which is attended with some pain but I am in hopes that it will soon be well

You will I am certain sympathize with poor Harriet she feels too accutely on trifling occasion and am not surprised that ev an event so mortifying and replete with distress shoud agonise her mind from Nicholas’s letter I shou’d be induced to believe that they thought Charles wou’d be in Philad as he was not allow’d to land at the Havanah but as Harriet insinuates nothing of the kind it may be only an Idea of his own I feel anxious about Charles and fear that the embassy he has undertaken will excite suspicions derogatory to his honor poor fellow gratitude has had too great power over him, tis not often that we have to [. . .] disapprobate so moral and dignified a sentiment but in this instance I must; and think it highly censureable in William to impose such a task upon him, but William has devested himself of every particle of discretion with his honor

I hope you enjoy better health and sperits than when I had last the pleasure of seeing you mine has not much improved, tho my friends do all that is kind and affectionate to encrease my happiness but alas I have been so pro[. . .]ed that I can never look for happiness in this world I am in the bosom of Methodism and you must not be asstonish’d, if I shou’d be converted to that faith but they have not began to operate on me yet I think they are less gloomy than formerely which is something in their favor I am in so much pain that I can not scrible any more offer Remembrance of love to the Doct and children and when you see Mrs Rhea and Daughter I will thank you assure them of my sincere good wishes for all that can increase their happiness

God bless you and believe me ever your affectionate friend
E. Trist
RC (PPAmP: Catharine Wistar Bache Papers); dateline beneath signature; addressed: “Mrs Cathrine Bache Franklin Court Philadelphia”; endorsed by Bache: “Mrs Trist May 29th 1810.”
Date Range
May 29, 1810