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Martha Jefferson Randolph to Elizabeth Trist, Aug. 1786

Your letter put an end to the inquietude that your long silence had caused us. Be assured that I will remember you as long as I live. I am very happy in the Convent and with reason for there wants nothing but the presence of my friends of America to render my situation worthy to be envied by the...

Martha Jefferson Randolph to Catherine Wistar Bache, 21 Apr. 1803

A thousand thanks My Dear Mrs Bache for your very friendly letter, and I am equally obliged to you for the friendly construction you were so good as to put upon my apparent neglect of it—it found me the second day after my arrival at this place, in the midst of unpacking opening arranging and all...

Martha Jefferson Randolph to Elizabeth Trist, [ca. 1 Oct.–31 Dec. 1807]

This will be delivered to you My Dearest Friend by Mr. Robertson a young gentleman of uncommon merit and abilities. he is going to reside amongst you in a public capacity and where there is so much bad will be a comfort to your honest republican heart. I did not know untill late in the evening...

Martha Jefferson Randolph to Dolley Madison, 15 Jan. 1808

A hope of being able through your medium to serve an unfortunate family reduced to absolute want, has induced me to write to you My Dear Mrs Madison as the only person to whom I could with propriety apply in the present emergency. you have no doubt heard of the total ruin of David M. Randolph. he...

Martha Jefferson Randolph to Elizabeth Trist, 12 Nov. 1811

I am truly obliged to you my Dear Friend for having written to me with out waiting for my answers in truth it is impossible for me to be regular in my correspondance with any one. I am at this moment writing in the room with 4 of the children chattering around me, and it is always the case more...

Martha Jefferson Randolph to Virginia J. Randolph (Trist), 14 Nov. 1814

You were right in suposing My Dear Virginia That we would have written sooner but for want of your address. the moment we recieved it Mary wrote to you. I was very sick after you left us, the walk I believe was the cause of it, for I was taken with a violent fever and headach that night which...

Martha Jefferson Randolph to Virginia J. Randolph (Trist), 29 Nov. 1814

I will write you a few lines My Dear Virginia allthough I am in a great hurry. yet shall it never be said that I neglected you so much as to let so direct an opportunity pass with out some token of remembrance. I send you by Nancy some fur which perhaps you may be able to make some use of, though...

Martha Jefferson Randolph to Elizabeth Trist, 31 May 1815

I believe it is better My Dear Mrs. Trist to let you take my apologies for granted, than to engross a page of the few letters I do write with so uninteresting a subject; and really I could say nothing that ought to excuse a silence of two years. I have been sincerely...

Martha Jefferson Randolph to Ann C. Morris, [ca. 20 Nov. 1816]

A paragraph in the intelligencer of the 12th, just come to hand, has determined me once more My Dear Sister to present my self to you, in the character of a sympathysing friend, and relative. but in misfortunes like yours, the best friends are “miserable comforters” and, “a sympathising and...

Martha Jefferson Randolph to Virginia J. Randolph (Trist), 24 Sept. 1817

Your very welcome packet My Dear Virginia was safely delivered by a party of gentlemen of whom Mr Taylor was one, and whilst preparing my best airs and graces to recieve them, to my great mortification saw them leave the house—your Father who brought the letter in to me, said he should ask them...

Martha Jefferson Randolph to Jane H. Nicholas Randolph, 14 Aug. 1818

I detained Jem My Dear Jane in hopes Wormley would arrive in time for him to have some of a lamb I sent to Edgehill for this morning as he has not arrived I have had a quarter that was larded to braise wrapped up and such vegetables as our garden affords with orders to try and meet wormley and...

Martha Jefferson Randolph’s Notations in Le Cuisinier Royal, [ca. 1819]

This book belonged to Mrs. Randolph, wife of Thos. Mann Randolph, Governor of Virginia, and daughter of Thos. Jefferson, President of the United States. It was used by her at Monticello, and the notes and translations on the fly leaves and margins are in her writing. It was given by her to her...

Martha Jefferson Randolph to Virginia J. Randolph (Trist), 23 Apr. 1819

I have but a moment My Dearest Virginia to answer your welcome and affectionate letter particularly the more welcome as I have not yet received the one from Mrs Tinsley’s. I am very sorry you persist in returning so soon, for as much as I wish to see you I am not selfish enough to sacrifice what...

Martha Jefferson Randolph to Ann C. Morris, 4 Dec. 1820

You will hardly be more surprised at the date of this letter than I am my self, so firmly resolved was I not to come, under existing circumstances. but Mr R—. thought there were reasons for it even stronger than mine . like another Themistocles he over powerd them and brought me down sorely...

Martha Jefferson Randolph to Ann C. Morris, 28 Dec. 1821

It is really so long since I wrote last that I am ashamed of addressing one against whom I have sinned beyond the hope of pardon, but as in withholding them, I deprive you of nothing but repetitions of a truth that you already know, the scarcity of my letters ought to add some what to their value...

Martha Jefferson Randolph to Nicholas P. Trist, 8 Jan. 1822

Your letter from Cincinati, after having loitered 20 days on the road found me still amongst the mountains, from which I most sincerely congratulate you to have made your escape before the cold weather set in. the month of december was one of unusual discomfort here, and must have been much worse...

Martha Jefferson Randolph to Virginia J. Randolph (Trist), 10 Jan. 1822

I am afraid My dear Virginia that not only the 14th but the 21 will catch me still at Monticello, nor should I be very much surprised were the 28th to find me in My flower borders admiring the beauty of My crocus’s persian Iris’s & &. you know my going depends upon circumstances that I...
