Martha Jefferson Randolph to Thomas Jefferson Randolph
Monticello March 14, 1815 |
I intended to have written to you yesterday My Dear Jefferson but my eyes were so sore I was obliged to put if off till this morning
Ellen mends so slowly that I think it is very doubtfull whether she will be able to go as soon as the day fixed for her. the pain and fevers have left her, and the swelling has nearly subsided, but the stiffness of the jaws which I am apprehensive is a rheumatic affection remains in as great a degree as ever. she can barely open her teeth enough to admit a tea spoon, but the jaw appears to be perfectly paralysed and without power of motion. her stomach also is very much affected by the thin diet she has been obliged to use, and if a change does not take place shortly the derangement of her health will be serious. she has by Dr Carr’s advice began to use the volatile lineament, and I now sincerely lament regret that will we did not follow it also in the application of a blister to the part affected. but I had no idea, the case would have been so tedious a one as it is likely to prove. you had better send Phill down with the horse friday week if she is well enough to travel she will go up with him the next day, if she is not I will send the carriage with out her although she is very anxious to go and I think the change of air will be of service to her. god bless you My Dear Son present me most affectionately to our Dear Jane, tell her that I have so long thought of her as a daughter that she has insensibly taken the place of one in my affections—the girls all, and Ellen particularly join in love to you both adieu