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Martha Jefferson Randolph to Ann C. Morris, 4 Apr. 1830

I have so long ceased to be surprised at anything William does, or rather at any want of judgement in him, that even his singular letter to you excited no feeling of that sort. he does what logicians call “begging the question” that is he takes that for granted, which remains to be proved. it is...

Joseph Coolidge to Nicholas P. Trist, 2 May 1830

a letter from Ellen recd last night speaks of the possibility of her remaining in washington until an answer to it could arrive from me; at the same time that it intimates she may decide to return to Boston without delay; in which case the present would not find her, and might be retd to her,...

Cornelia J. Randolph to Ellen W. Randolph Coolidge, 30 May 1830

As I have prevented Virginia from writing, Dear Sister, I must write to you myself in spite of the drowsy & stupid feelings which oppress me mama will I believe write very soon to Mrs Coolidge; she has been staying with Mrs H. Smith in the country & was there when Mrs C.s letter arrived;...

Martha Jefferson Randolph to Elizabeth Bulfinch Coolidge, 1 June 1830

I received your letter on my return from the country where I had been to spend a few days, and should have answered it immediately, but for a severe indisposition, the effect of cold, which confined me many days to my bed, and from which even now I am but imperfectly recovered. This must excuse...

Ellen W. Randolph Coolidge to Martha Jefferson Randolph, 6 June 1830

I have been intending all the afternoon to write to you, dearest mother, but it is now past six and I am just beginning my letter; the children have been so much on my hands that I have found it impossible to get rid of them long enough to carry my intention into effect, so if I do not fill my...

Ellen W. Randolph Coolidge to Virginia J. Randolph Trist, 15 Oct. 1830

It is so long since I have written to any of you, dearest Virginia, that I am in debt to you all, and considering you as the eldest of the family, (married women being always older than single,) I shall begin address my first letter to you. Mama is absent on a visit to her friend Mrs Barrell at...

Nicholas P. Trist to Lafayette, 5 Nov. 1830

If, in the long years that have passed since we received your parting embrace, you have not had any earnest of my promise on that occasion, it is to be ascribed rather to the conviction that you already had more than a fair load of correspondence with our half of your double country, than to any...

Martha Jefferson Randolph to Joseph Coolidge, 15 Dec. 1830

I have written the letter of introduction for Mr Sparks & enclosed it to him in N. York as you desired, and as I had some sins of negligence unatoned towards the good lady, I wrote her another long explanatory & conciliatory letter to procure ...

Thomas Jefferson Randolph to Nicholas P. Trist, 15 Feb. 1831

I was much surprised at the information contained in your letter and do not hope much from it. We ought to keep the most perfect silences upon the subject and as much aloof as possible. Yet no attempts will be made to defeat it by exciting suspicions of fraudulent management in the affairs of...

Martha Jefferson Randolph to Ellen W. Randolph Coolidge, 8 Mar. 1831

Mr Bailey left us yesterday morning and by him Joseph will receive the thermometer & Oliver Cromwell, and Nell a little present from her Aunt Trist. I have been am very much mortified at not having been able to go out to get some trifle for each of my darlings but for the last month I have...

Martha Jefferson Randolph to Ellen W. Randolph Coolidge, 1 Apr. 1831

Your interest in dear George will make you anxious to learn the important event that has taken place in his short history Jefferson saw John Nicholas in Baltimore who is going out in the John Adams upon a cruise of 3 years, to the mediterrannean, Constantinople & &. he pressed upon him...

Martha Jefferson Randolph to Ellen W. Randolph Coolidge, 23 Apr. 1831

You were right in Your conjectures My dear Ellen; parting with George has been a great affliction to me, and my health has consequently failed, as usual; but convinced as I am of its being for his advantage I hope you know me well enough to beleive that I have never for one moment repented. my...

Cornelia J. Randolph to Ellen W. Randolph Coolidge, 10 May 1831

We received a letter from George yesterday, my dear sister, dated the 6th as he finished it they were just anchoring in sight of cape Henry & I suppose sailed fairly the next day. George had just got a sprain some days before & although he says it was getting well I am afraid it was bad...

Martha Jefferson Randolph to Ellen W. Randolph Coolidge, 21 June 1831

I am ashamed to have kept your letter 3 weeks unanswered dearest Ellen but it requires some time for me to get settled and to learn to do any thing in a family of such unweildy dimensions and where 6 of them are small enough with Jane’s management or rather want of management to cry & make a...

Cornelia J. Randolph to Ellen W. Randolph Coolidge, 29 June 1831

I have been prevented from writing to you, my dear sister, by mama’s intention of doing the same thing, & she was prevented by the accident of visitors coming in several times just as she had begun her letter; this was the reason you did not hear from us as soon after our arrival as we...