Agreement between Etienne St. Julien de Tournillon and Nicholas P. Trist and Hore Browse Trist
Psse assomption ce 5. Decembre 1830.— |
Je Soussigné Certifie que D’âprès des arrangements pris entre Les frères trist Et moi; nous avons, D’un Commun accord, affranchi les Deux Enfants de la nègresse Katy; Savoir: Sam mulâtre âgé [De Six ans?] et fine mulâtresse agée De trois ans; Et [ce, s]ans préjudicier aux Droits De mes Enfants mineurs; ayant reçu Des messrs trist L’équivalent de Leur valeur.
editors’ translation
Assumption Parish, this 5th day of December 1830.— |
I, the undersigned, certify that, in accordance with the arrangements made between the Trist brothers and myself, we have, by mutual agreement, freed the two children of the negress Katy. To wit: Sam, a six-year-old mulatto and Fine, a three-year-old mulatto, and that this is done without harming the rights of my minor children, who have received from the Trists the equivalent of their value.