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Virginia J. Randolph (Trist) to Jane H. Nicholas Randolph, [ca. Dec. 1817?]

My utmost exertions availed me nothing My Dearest Sister in my endeavours to get the “Balance of comfort” to you by breakfast to day, and I am not sure that you will get it before dinner Papa is to carry it over to EgEdgehill and send it to you from there. have you got the 1st vol.? for I dont...

Marie Trist Jones Tournillon to Nicholas P. Trist, 4 Dec. 1817

This morning I received a letter from your Grandmother dated the 22d of October wherein she mentions that you had not heard from me since your arrival my astonishment is indeed great at the miscarriage of my letters for at that time there was not any complaint of irregularity in the mails though...

Ellen W. Randolph (Coolidge) to Jane H. Nicholas Randolph, 15 Dec. 1817

I am very glad my dear Jane that you opened Miss Goodwin’s letter as you thought it necessary to write yourself to explain the circumstance. my only regret is that I should owe the only letter, I ever received from you to an accident. not having so great an aversion to romance as you profess I...

Cornelia J. Randolph to Virginia J. Randolph (Trist), 19 Dec. 1817

True to my promise, My Dear sister, of writing to you as soon as I had been to the first party, I take advantage of Mr Gilmer’s going to Albemarle & write you a letter by him, although it is very late & he sets off tomorrow morning.—To begin at the beginning then, I was drest &...

Etienne St. Julien de Tournillon to Nicholas P. Trist, 25 Jan. 1818

Le Jour De La réception De La Lettre que vous ecrivez à V. maman Sous la date Du 22. Decembre dernier j’ai Reçu de La ville Les deux checks que j’avais demandés De $250. chaque: je ne perds point de tems à vous les envoyer, dans la crainte que vous ne Soyiez dans un pressant besoin; ce qui est...

Cornelia J. Randolph to Jane H. Nicholas Randolph, 28 Jan. 1818

This is the last letter I shall probably write whilst I am in Richmond My Dear sister, & I must write as if for a wager, to be able to finish it in time for the post, I have just reciev’d yours & would not answer it at all but that such favours from you...

David M. Randolph (1798–1825) to Nicholas P. Trist, 10 Feb. 1818

Sometime since a bundle & letter was sent from Norfolk directed to you, they were sent from New Orleans, to a merchant in the above named town and by him sent to his son, in this place, to be delivered to you, by accident the young man heard me mention your name, and directly informed me of...

Etienne St. Julien de Tournillon to Nicholas P. Trist, 8 Mar. 1818

ayant appris par la Lettre que vous ecrivez à V. maman que vous aviez perdu votre malle: je joins Sous le pli de La présente Deux coupons de deux Billets de $50. cette petite Somme pourra vous mettre à même de Vous faire faire de Suite les objets les plus nécéssaires; je vous enverrai Dans le Ct...

Etienne St. Julien de Tournillon to Nicholas P. Trist, 10 Apr. 1818

depuis Deux Jours, mon cher trist, je Suis à La Nlle orléans: j’ai laissé Votre maman et Julien chez me habine où je Les prendrai à mon Retour: j’espère que ce petit voyage contribuera au rétablissement de notre chère mary qui depuis 3—ou 4—mois a une fièvre lente que rien a pû Encore faire...

Mary Trist Jones Tournillon to Nicholas P. Trist, 7 May 1818

You were right in believing my dearest Son that nothing interests my heart so much as the happiness of my Children; therefore you must be certain that your letter of the 13th which I received last night was not read with indifference as it does not denote a mind as happy as I could wish, or you...

Peachy R. Gilmer to Nicholas P. Trist, 24 May 1818

Your very kind letter of the 4th of this month reached Liberty during my absence on the circuit. I must Join my admonitions to those of your excellent mother in warning you against a habit of procrastination, either in matters of friendship or business; It would be impossible for me to beleive...

Etienne St. Julien de Tournillon to Nicholas P. Trist, 15 June 1818

Depuis trois mois, Sans éxagération, nous Sommes ici Sans pluie ou du moins Le peu que nous En avons Eue a Suffi à peine à abattre la poussière: je m’attendais cette année à faire une grande plantation et Elle était même déjà faitte; mais à mon retour de La ville, c’est à dire, Vers La fin d...

John F. Dumoulin to Nicholas P. Trist, 23 July 1818

It was with the greatest pleasure I received the letter which you were so good as to write me on the 22nd May. but which by the post appears not to have been forwarded untill Sometime in June—and a few days since I had the additional pleasure in of receiving a letter which your Grand-Mother did...

Martha Jefferson Randolph to Jane H. Nicholas Randolph, 14 Aug. 1818

I detained Jem My Dear Jane in hopes Wormley would arrive in time for him to have some of a lamb I sent to Edgehill for this morning as he has not arrived I have had a quarter that was larded to braise wrapped up and such vegetables as our garden affords with orders to try and meet wormley and...

Nicholas P. Trist to Martha Jefferson Randolph, 18 Sept. 1818

The probability of an absence of some length, from Albemarle, has induced me, Dear Mrs Randolph, to take a step, which I had, a short time since, resolved to defer until I should have attained my twenty-first year: a step, which if it does not entirely meet your approbation,...

Nicholas P. Trist to Martha Jefferson Randolph, 20 Sept. 1818

any request from my dear Mrs Randolph, could not possibly fail being obeyed by one, who is more proud of her friendship and esteem, than any other mark of distinction which it is in the power of the world to bestow; I shall therefore remain silent, and part from you, cherishing the hope that on...