Mary Trist Jones Tournillon to Nicholas P. Trist
My Dearest Nicholas | December 4th 1817 |
This morning I received a letter from your Grandmother dated the 22d of October wherein she mentions that you had not heard from me since your arrival my astonishment is indeed great at the miscarriage of my letters for at that time there was not any complaint of irregularity in the mails though within the last month there has been five missing, I wrote to you the day after I received your letters which I think was the fifteenth of september, your father also wrote you both the 25th of the same month enclosing checks on the united States bank for $558, and your Grandmother sent the duplicates by the next post in a letter to you, the money was in Town fifteen days before we could procure the checks as the branch bank there doubted their right to draw on the Mother bank and finally concluded by demanding a premium and We only regretted their hesitation as it was the cause of inconveniencing you. as the time is so near for sending you another remittance that the money must go in the same manner which may again cause detention and disappointment, but to prevent all embarrassment hereafter your father desires that you will try and make arrangments to draw on him, when he goes to Orleans he will inform himself of the state of trade between that place and Norfolk which would be the most convenient town for you to sell a bill; as early as possible in this month he will send you $350 your brother will receive the same sum but one hundred of his check is intended for your Grand mother. the first of July you will either receive another remittance or draw on your father the latter plan would relieve us from a weight of inquietude as we would be then certain of your having money in time. I directed a letter for you on the 10th of october to williamsburg; I am all impatience to hear that you are established there and that every thing answers your expectations I have no doubt my dearest child that But you will do every thing that depends on you for advancing your education and be assured your father will do every thing in his power to promote it, dear Nicholas your Cousin has given a convincing proof of the his friendship in the advance he made you which I trust ere this is refunded Mr Livingston saw a Gentleman who dined in company with you at Mr Grahams in washington he mentioned you both in the most flattering manner, need I say how grateful such praise is to your Mother who is so sensible to all that concerns you. I am sorry to tell you that Mr L— is now confined with a third relapse of fever, and that Governor Claiborne was buried the 24 of last month. your father (who is absent purchasing Cott[o]n) desired me to enclose you a check for fif[t]y dollars as a memento from him which you will divide with Browse on new Years day. Julian continues to remember you [an]d when displeased with me says he will [go?] to his brothers, your last letter [to?] me was dated the 4th of September, surely my dear child I ough[t] to hear from you more frequently. Adieu and believe that you are dear to us all.
your Affectionate Mother
as I was in the act of sending directing my letter we were made happy by recieving four from yourself and brother containing the pleasing news of the money having arrived safe though rather late, as you tell your father you want only $60 he will send five hundred instead of seven, one of which belongs to your Grandmother and the residue for you and your brother to purchase horses and sadles, Mr Randolph will perhaps have the goodness to chuse them for you, and be careful that they are free from vicious tricks, as you have changed your plan by Mr Jeffersons advice we cannot but approve of it, I intreat of you to leave nothing undone to confirm and improve the good opinion of that family. you have not mentioned the young ladies name who has made so deep an impression on you confine such communications to us unless you are very sure of its being agreeable to her and all interested in her. say every thing agreeable for me to the family for whom I have the warmest feeling of affection and respect, let me know how to direct letters and papers your father is extremely occupied, he has made large purchases of of Cotton which will cause him much fatigue and trouble but it sells at 33 cents which I trust will enable him to meet all his engagments which you know will be to him a compensation for the greatest pain once more adieu
I was obliged to send a note instead of a check the next mail I will send the other half