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Andrew Smith to Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 30 May 1821

I had this pleasure on the 1st Inst—The expected Supply of Roman Cement has arrived, and I now wait a good oppy of sending you up the five Barrels ordered by you on the 22d ulto, at the same time I shall forward you a printed direction by the Manufacturer for mixing and using the Cement— The...

Elizabeth Trist to Nicholas P. Trist, 7 June 1821

I did not, when I wrote my last letter expect to trouble you again till after I had the pleasure to embrace you, but not knowing how long you may be detain’d at the point before the examination is over and in expectation that Browse has left Phila’d tho the weather has been cool enough any where;...

Andrew Smith to Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 13 June 1821

Mr Micow handed me yours of the 6th Inst—I hope the Cement has reached the place of its destination, and met your approbation— I sent by the Boat, printed directions, similar, I presume, to those forwarded you by Messrs Wm Dawson & Co of Baltimore, the Agents of the Inventors, and for whom I...

Elizabeth Trist to Emma Walker Gilmer, 28 June 1821

Your letter without date I received on the 16th; I had heard of your Cousin Walkers arrival some time before I received your letter and expected a letter from Your Mother or your self, the last I recd from your Mother was dated 16th May, but she has become a lazy corrispondent William promised...

Arthur S. Brockenbrough to Alexander Garrett, 7 July 1821

Mr Antrim informs me he is out of hair and can’t get any without the money the plastering will be obliged to stop for the want of it, can you in any way raise as much as he may want for that purpose & let him have it, I will give you a draft for it on sight

Nicholas P. Trist to Virginia J. Randolph (Trist), [ca. 12–27 July 1821]

The more I reflect on the idea which struck me during our conversation, the greater becomes my conviction of the advantages which would accrue to both parties from its adoption.—I will agree to settle, this fall, either at Baton-rouge or on some other land, the selection of which I shall leave to...

Nicholas P. Trist to Virginia J. Randolph (Trist), [ca. 12–27 July 1821]

The desire of inducing her to “give up her family” is one of the last things I deserved to be suspected of by Virginia, for I knew her well enough to be certain that she would not accede to such a proposal, and she ought to have known me well enough to be convinced that I could not make such a...

Nicholas P. Trist to Virginia Jefferson Randolph, 12 July 1821

The interview I yesterday requested, and for the refusal of which, Hope forbids me to assign any other reason than your maiden modesty, was for the purpose of making a declaration of a passion which, unless my eye is not what the eye generally is “the index of the soul” you must have often read...

Edward Lowber to Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 14 July 1821

I am sorry to trouble you again on the subject of money; but my engagements leave me no other alternative. You will my dear sir, most particularly oblige me if you can possibly make me the remittance mentioned in your last favor. If the mo expected funds are not yet in possession, perhaps you...

Andrew Smith to Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 17 July 1821

By the Henry Clay, just arrived from London, I have received 50 Casks of Roman Cemt from the Manufacturers in London, of very first quality, if you think any more will be wanted for the University, I shall be able to furnish you, if your order arrives shortly— By a letter from Norfolk I...

Edward Lowber to Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 19 July 1821

your favor of the 6th inst. by Mr McAlister one of the Painters, was duly recd & to which I reply. I have repeatedly requested the young men to hand you an acct of the Painting & glazing; but why they have not done so is unaccountable. The amount of glazing can readily be ascertained, ...

Hore Browse Trist to Nicholas Philip Trist, 27 July [1821]

Every thing that contributes to your happiness must affect mine sensibly, & I feel very much gratified that you have succeeded on a point which you deemed almost essential to your future welfare. when I read your letter, I was from various causes thrown into a Kind of melancholy reverie, in...

Thomas Mann Randolph to Nicholas P. Trist, 27 July 1821

I am sorry to be unable to execute your commission to buy Coke & Jacobs in this place. you will find the money inclosed, viz two XX $. Bills of the U.S. Bank. allso your Memorandum with a note of Mr Gilmer at the foot of it. I had been to Fitzwhylsons, Cottons, and Johnson and Warners before...

Thomas Mann Randolph to His Daughters, 28 July 1821

The steam Boat goes at 6 oclock tomorrow morning very punctually. I have sent to Varina allready to give notice that we were coming. Phil will attend you with the carriage very early. To arrive in time you must be up by 4. oclock. We will set out for Varina from the steam Boat, on board of which...

Abram P. Maury to Nicholas P. Trist, 12 Aug. 1821

I have at length so far conquered my aversion to writing, as to sit down with a view to the fulfilment of the promise which I gave you at parting; my feelings have prompted me to do so, before this, frequently: but I have delayed it untill I find that near three four months have elapsed since I...

Daniel C. Hutchison to Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 21 Aug. 1821

the Bearer Mr Lenord is a vary good Blacke smith such a one as will suite you I thinke But I must state to you his faults he love to indulge himselfe with the stager weed two much, But you must Be a vary Positive with him and som times indulge him is as you may think Proper, I wish you to give...

Etienne St. Julien de Tournillon to Nicholas Philip Trist, 21 Aug. 1821

Lors de L’arrivée de Votre lettre Du 18. ul. Votre maman était dans un état de faiblesse et de convalescence: elle est tombée malade le 10. du Ct au premier accès de fièvre j’ai, de Suite, envoyé chercher le medecin; il a administré qques remèdes qui, âprès trois accès ont commencé à opérer, et...