Andrew Smith to Arthur S. Brockenbrough
Dear Sir | Richmond 17th July 1821 |
By the Henry Clay, just arrived from London, I have received 50 Casks of Roman Cemt from the Manufacturers in London, of very first quality, if you think any more will be wanted for the University, I shall be able to furnish you, if your order arrives shortly— By a letter from Norfolk I understand a considerable quantity will probably be wanted for the Dismal Swamp Company, in consequence of which I have address’d a letter to them on the subject, which is the reason of my now mentioning the thing to you
I am Dr Sir Your Mo Ob Sert
Andw Smith
RC (ViU: PP); at head of text: “Arthur S. Brockenbrough Esqr”; endorsed by Brockenbrough: “Smith A. Richd 17 July 1821 Roman cement.”
Date Range
July 17, 1821