Erasmus Stribling’s Letter of Recommendation for Dabney Cosby to Nelson Barksdale
Dear sir | Staunton 6. Jany 1818 1819 |
My neighbour Mr Dabney Cosby informs me he has some idea of makeing proposals to undertake a portion of the Brick work to be done at the central college, and as he is a stranger in your place, I take the liberty of introduceing him to you & thro’ you to such persons as may be authourised to receive proposals.
I have known Mr Cosby, intimately, since I have known this country & have had much to do with him in the line of his trade and take pleasure in assuring you that he is not only a Gentleman of unexceptionable character, on whom you may implicitly rely, but so far as I am able to judge is complete master of his business
In every point of veiw Mr Cosby is one of our most respectable Citizens, and I have no [. . .] doubt from the high estimation in which he is held here, he can give security in any amount for the fulfilment of any contract he may be willing to make.
In very great haste