TJRS Is Facet?
John Daingerfield to Nelson Barksdale, with Barksdale’s Note, 26 Feb. 1818
In consequence of the Death of Mrs Mary Daingerfield it is wished the property held by her in right of Dower should be divided on the 12th Instant of next month at which time I would thank you to permit Willis & Warner to come down as their presents presence will be necessary. they shall be...
Hugh Chisholm’s Order on Central College, with John M. Perry’s Receipt, 29 July 1818
$800 Mr Nelson Barksdale Sir pay to John M. Perry or order Eight hundred dollars on account of Brick work done at the Central College
Receipt for Payment for Advertising Central College Contributions and Subscriptions Lists, Jan. 1818
174MThe Central College
Matthew Brown to Nelson Barksdale, 19 Dec. 1818
Mr John M. Perry is fully autherised to Conclude the settlement with you for the Brick work done by me this year at the Central Colage therefore any settlement made by him shall be binding on me
Matthew Brown to Nelson Barksdale, 29 Sept. 1818
this is to inform you that John M Perry has become an equal partner in the Brickwork I have already done and also all that will be done by me this present year at the Central College and he is at liberty to draw money from time to time as it may Require & this shall be your sufficient voucher...
George P. Digges to Nelson Barksdale, 30 Aug. 1818
Cesars month is at an end—therefore you will please give directions what for him to return home & send Bearer an order on the treasurer for $12 the amount herewith due me for his hire
Crenshaw White’s Acknowledgment of Payment for “apprehending Gilbert,” 15 Apr. 1818
Recvd of Nelson Barksdale proctor to the C Collge five Dollars for apprehending a Negroe man Gilbert who was in that Imploy
Erasmus Stribling’s Letter of Recommendation for Dabney Cosby to Nelson Barksdale, 6 Jan. 1819
My neighbour Mr Dabney Cosby informs me he has some idea of makeing proposals to undertake a portion of the Brick work to be done at the central college, and as he is a stranger in your place, I take the liberty of introduceing him to you & thro’ you to such persons as may be authourised to...