Marie Jacinthe de Botidoux to Martha Jefferson Randolph, 6 Feb. 1810
Je ne t’Ecrirai qu’un mot aujourd’huy Chere Jeff. n’ayant pas un instant à moi. j’ai des affaires par dessus La tête Si bien que si Ce n’étoit pour récompencer La peine que Mr Short s’est donnée de venir Me demander une Lettre pour toi je ne t’aurais pas Ecrit du tout. Je n’avois jamais rencontré...
Cary Ann Nicholas Smith to Jane H. Nicholas Randolph, [ca. 1820]
I am glad to hear you have acquired the requisite of a good manager the art of scolding well. but Aunt Carr contradicts the account you give of yourself, she thinks you do not exercise yourself enough in that way. indeed from all accounts I think you are not much better than myself in the...
Francis Millet’s Receipt for Payment of Balance of Wages for Work at UVA, 1 May 1820
Francis Millet’s Receipt for Payment of Wages for Work at UVA
John Herron’s Receipt for Payment for Bacon Purchased for Laborers at the University of Virginia, 30 July 1820
July 30 1820 Recd of A. S Brockenbrough a draft on the bursar for fifty one dollars 50 cents for pay for Bacon purchased of a Waggoner on the road for the use of the labourers at the U. Va
Peter Laporte’s Bill for Lodging Michele Raggi and Giacomo Raggi, Sculpters Employed for the Construction of the University of Virginia, 6 Nov. 1819
University of Virginia To Mr P. Laporte payment in full to this date by a Dft on Alex: Garrett Bursar U. Va for the above twenty five Dollars 50 cents
Elizabeth Trist to Emma Walker Gilmer (Breckinridge), 14 May 1820
I have been expecting to hear from some of the family for the last two weeks for I think I mention’d to you that I shou’d look for a letter from some of you every month and it is near six weeks since I have had a line from Bedford I hope sickness in the family has not been the cause of your...
Francis W. Gilmer to Dabney Carr, 30 Sept. 1820
I reached my Bachelor’s home on yesterday after a months visit to albemarle. But for inroads made upon my plans by Col. Nichola’s embarass’d & hopeless affairs I would have been with you at Shanandale. You are in the right touching the necessity, comfort, dignity, respectability, honor, &...
Francis W. Gilmer to Dabney Carr, 5 Jan. 1819
For your classical greetings on the return of xmas and the auspicious beginning of a new year I give you most humble & hearty thanks. That your money & beer are what may be called good things I do however reluctantly (as Serjeant Williams used to say) “candidly confess.” For that flower...
Charles Fenton Mercer to Wilson Cary Nicholas, 13 Aug. 1816
I have been long intending to address a few lines to you, on some of those objects of public interest, in which, it has been my good fortune in to cooperate, successfully, with you, for the common benefit, I trust, of our fellow citizens at large. It is an unquestionable fact, that the...