Custom Dates


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Bernard Peyton to Alexander Garrett, 23 Apr. 1821

I hand herewith statement the Bill purchased on London & remitted Saml Williams, by request of Mr Jefferson, for the Visitors of the University—which will place in the hands of Mr W. to the order of Mr Appleton of Leghorn $1200—nett— I have to request you will refund me the premium advanced...

George W. Spooner to Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 3 April 1821

I received youre note of yesterday offering me a portion of the worke to be done on the Western range now to be let, which was gratafying to me as it is an evidance of my having given satisfaction in my present worke as far as I have progressed, but cannot but regret although disposed to acquiess...

James Widderfield to Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 3 Apr. 1821

From a duty a owe to my family I am sorry again to trouble you respecting undertaking work at the University: The Prices offered in my former proposals was done by the advice of my friends: and as I am out of employment at this time & wishing to be employed I have considered of my first...

Elizabeth Trist to Nicholas P. Trist, 5 Apr. 1821

For very dear you are to me; so much do you occupy my thoughts, that I can not be happy without I hear from you at least once a month, your last letter was dated the 23d of Feby you then complaind of continuel headackes but attributed it to want of exercise and the weather has not been favorable...

Ellen W. Randolph (Coolidge) to Francis Eppes, 5 Apr. 1821

Your letter of Feb. 28th reached me about ten days ago, my dear Francis, and I mention this circumstance to let you see that I have not been very dilatory in replying to, and thanking you for this proof of your friendship. Understanding from your letters to my sisters, that your situation in...

Elizabeth Trist to Nicholas P. Trist, 18 Apr. 1821

It is some relief to an ax anxious mind to disclose its purterbations, at least I find it so, not having Received a line from you for two months and your health not being establish’d, creates uneasiness I look for a letter from your self and Brother every month Browse has been unusually attentive...

Mary Trist Jones Tournillon to Nicholas Philip Trist, 22 Apr. 1821

Your Father intends writing as soon as he knows that mr Nott has received two hundred dollars which he sent him to be remitted to you, but I am so unhappy about Browse whose last letter was dated the 2d of February that I cannot resist expressing my anxiety to you In your last you observed he did...

Hore Browse Trist to Nicholas Philip Trist, 23 Apr. 1821

I received a letter from mother the other day wherein she expressed the same opinion, thinking it would be more preferable to go with you to Virginia, than to spend the sultry season opposite West Point; and she seems moreover suspicious that I do not keep my sensual desires within bounds; she...

Cornelia J. Randolph to Virginia J. Randolph (Trist), 24 Apr. 1821

We are arriv’d here fatigue’d to death as usual my dear Virginia, after the most tedious journey that ever was made, I am sure I almost died on the road from impatience. we got to Warren in the height of the rain that fell the day we left you, & were detain’d there all night, in consequence...

Cornelia J. Randolph to Virginia J. Randolph (Trist), 24 Apr. 1821

We are arriv’d here fatigue’d to death as usual my dear Virginia, after the most tedious journey that ever was made, I am sure I almost died on the road from impatience. we were got to Warren in the height of the rain that fell the day we left you, & were detain’d there all night, in...

Elizabeth Trist to Nicholas P. Trist, 25 Apr. 1821

I certainly shoud not have written to you at present having so recently address’d you but I am in a delemma about the Book you sent by mail the Postage of which is 26 Dollars. when the servant went to Town after the letters and papers last saturday he mention’d that there was a large Book for me...

Edward Lowber to Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 28 April 1821

I have just recd and executed another order for the university amounting to 250 to 300 dollars. I am very desirous to continue to supply the Painting materials for the college: but I shall be put to very serious inconvenience by it, unless the payments are more prompt. In the first instance I...

Hore Browse Trist to Nicholas Philip Trist, 30 Apr. 1821

As I will not be able at any rate to leave this in this in less than two weeks if then, because I have promised Mrs Thompson to pay her a visit at Mt Holly in Jersey, which however will be accomplished in a few days (but I cannot get ready before that time) I want to know what the travelling...

Andrew Smith to Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 1 May 1821

I am favor’d with your letter, requesting me to send you five Casks of Roman Cement for the University, which would instantly have been comply’d with, had any been on hand—By last Nights mail I received a letter from the Agent of the Proprietor in Baltimore, advising me of his being on the look...

Etienne St. Julien de Tournillon to Nicholas P. Trist, 8 May 1821

âprès un Silence de Deux mois nous Venons Enfin D’avoir une Lettre De Browse, elle n’a pas peu contribué à mettre votre maman dans Son assiète naturelle Surtout d’âprès les nouvelles de L’indisposition de Votre frère pour lequel elle était dans une inquiétude mortelle; mais Enfin tout s’est...

James Booker to Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 8 May 1821

I take up my pen to drop you a few lines to know whether there would be a prospect of my getting a tolerable Job of work in your part of the world. I fear I have procrastinated two writing two long as it appears from your adverticemets that all contracts was to have been closed on or by the first...

Elizabeth Trist to Nicholas P. Trist, 10 May 1821

I wou’d not trouble you So soon again but when your letter was handed to me last evening in Company of one from your Dear Mother of the 14th of April and another of the 6th instant from Mary Randolph and with pleasure I inform you that all our friends were well your Mother speaking of you and...

Mary Trist Jones Tournillon to Nicholas P. Trist, 13 May 1821

Your last letter was dated the 28th of February, only that I console myself with the belief that your letters are detained (for it is a month since a northern mail has arrived at Donaldsonville) I would be truly unhappy as your general habits of attention secure you from a suspicion of negligence...

Edward Lowber to Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 19 May 1821

Within the last 4 months I have taken the liberty of addressing several letters to you on the subject of the university, whether my letters ever reached you or what cause I cannot divine, but so it is I have never received or heard one word pro or con. I am my dear sir, in a very unpleasant &...

Elizabeth Trist to Nicholas P. Trist, 25 May 1821

By the time you receive this my Beloved Grand son you will have got through your examination and I hope with honour, for nothing is so grateful to my heart as to hear your self and Brother extold for your for your good conduct and attention to your Studies, I receivd a letter from him dated the...

Hore Browse Trist to Nicholas P. Trist, 25 May 1821

I have just received your letter & proceed forthwith to make a reply. If $50 would suffice, I might retain that sum or thereabouts, for I could conscientiously leave a small debt in consideration that there is no uncertainty, unless fortuitous, as to my receiving money to discharge it. What...