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Martha Jefferson Randolph to Ellen W. Randolph Coolidge, 26 Nov. 1825

We have just despatched a box containing such a ridiculous heterogeneous collection, that even you will smile when you unpack it. to begin with the principal article of the catalogue, and which in fact obtained transportation for the rest, is the writing desk for Joseph which I mentioned in a...

Ellen W. Randolph Coolidge to Martha Jefferson Randolph, 27 Nov. 1825

I had intended to have written to Virginia by this mail, dearest mother, but your letter of the 16. has determined me to delay for another week writing to her, as I fear I shall not have time for both. & wish to answer you. the captain of the brig Washington is in Boston, & from him we...

Hore Browse Trist to Nicholas Philip Trist, 1 Dec. 1825

Perry me dit au sujet de ta lettre qu’il avait trop d’occupation pour te rendre reponse avant la fin de la roulaison. Tu vois qu’il hésite—à sa place tu n’aurais pas hésité—Je ne crois pas à sa générosité. Je le crois au contraire très intéressé. que la sauce soit bonne ou mauvaise il faudra bien...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to Ferdinand Hassler, 3 Dec. 1825 [Quote]

in the house in which I live, and it’s offices I have flat roofs of a different construction. they consist of rooflets 30. I. wide with gutturs between them. there are 2. strata of joists, the one about 9. I. higher than the other. arranged thus ... a single length of shingles reaches from the...

Margaret Nicholas to Dabney S. Carr, 1826

In looking over one of Mr Jefferson’s scrap books I found the inclosed circular thinking it would suit the present cabinet I asked Jeff to give it to me he said I might have it but when he heard that I intended to send to it to you he wanted to take it back but I would not let him he did not...

Ellen W. Randolph Coolidge to Martha Jefferson Randolph, 2 Jan. 1826

I was prevented by a touch of headach from writing to my dearest mother yesterday, the ‘jour de l’an’, to offer her the best wishes of the season warm from the heart of a grateful & devoted daughter; many many returns of the same day to you my own best loved mother, marked by more auspicious...

Simeon B. Chapman to John H. Cocke and Joseph C. Cabell, 11 Jan. 1826

Will you allow me to tell you of the dependent and unhappy condition in which I am now placed by the late decision of the Rector and visitors of this institution against me, this sentence has been made without the slightest notice. When I settled down at the University I had a Charactor for...

Martha Jefferson Randolph to Ann C. Morris, 22 Jan. 1826

I have not written for a long time My dear Sister because in truth I had nothing but painful subjects to communicate. the unfortunate event of the sale I have long anticipated not altogether however to the extent it has gone. the property has fallen very far short of the payment of the debts. it...

Sidney Nicholas Carr to Thomas Jefferson Randolph, 3 Feb. 1826

I hasten to announce to you the birth of—what do you think, yes tis even so another daughter, I cannot sympathize with you in your disappointment it is called Esther Maria a name so dear to us all that I am sure we will love mo it even more than if it had been a boy, Jane is pretty well she says...

Hore Browse Trist to Nicholas P. Trist, 1 Feb. 1826

I arrived here on Saturday last. Thus far I have every reason to congratulate myself. When I waited upon him the Governor immediately reiterated the offer he made me at Mr T’s, conducted me to his house, Showed me the room that was destined for me & begged me a thousand times with the most...

Thomas Jefferson Randolph to Jane H. Nicholas Randolph, 17 Feb. 1826

I h write under the hope that you will see me before you recieve my letter. The noblest enthusiasm has arisen upon the subject of my dear grandfather application. the question will be carried beyond all doubt by a large majority and a proposition will be made to pay his debts in lieu of a lottery...

Cornelia J. Randolph to Ellen W. Randolph Coolidge, 23 Feb. 1826

It is long since I have written to you my dear sister, partly because I have not had time, & partly because I had nothing to write about but unhappiness & misfortunes; fortune has persecuted us so unrelentingly that even though at last she seems to give us one smile to excite hope, not...

Martha Jefferson Randolph to Joseph Coolidge, 1 Mar. 1826

No apology is due My dear Joseph for the earnestness with which you urge Cornelia’s visit. believe me you can not be more anxious about it than I am, and I hope we shall be able to accomplish it without resorting to the means you propose. not that my heart does not admit...