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Margaret Smith Nicholas to Jane H. Nicholas Randolph, 18 Dec. 1817

Why do you not write to us? you see with all the bustle, of house arranging, visiting, and receiving visits, I yet can find time to write you a long letter every week, a striking evidence of the strength of my love for you, Never in my life have I been for the same length of time in such a busy...

Cornelia J. Randolph to Virginia J. Randolph (Trist), 19 Dec. 1817

True to my promise, My Dear sister, of writing to you as soon as I had been to the first party, I take advantage of Mr Gilmer’s going to Albemarle & write you a letter by him, although it is very late & he sets off tomorrow morning.—To begin at the beginning then, I was drest &...

Bernard Peyton to Thomas Jefferson Randolph, 22 Dec. 1817

I am this morning favord with your esteemd letter of the 19th current & note contents—I congratulate you upon your brightening prospects of making a fortune; particularly as it will be at the same time a benefit to the old Gentleman for I am quite certain the rent you are to pay will be more...

Sarah E. Nicholas to Jane H. Nicholas Randolph, [ca. 26 Dec. 1817]

I have been intending to write to you every week since I have been here, but really I have not had time, for all my old schoolmates have been to see me, and what with receiving and returning their visits, I find my time so completely occupied, that I have not been able even to write to John....

Margaret Smith Nicholas to Jane H. Nicholas Randolph, 8 Jan. 1818

We have this moment received your second letter to Sarah, and as she is very busy preparing for the Cotillion party of this evening. I am deputed by her to answer them. Parties are going on now with great spirit they have had one every night this week, on Tuesday we had a very handsome one (given...

Etienne St. Julien de Tournillon to Nicholas P. Trist, 25 Jan. 1818

Le Jour De La réception De La Lettre que vous ecrivez à V. maman Sous la date Du 22. Decembre dernier j’ai Reçu de La ville Les deux checks que j’avais demandés De $250. chaque: je ne perds point de tems à vous les envoyer, dans la crainte que vous ne Soyiez dans un pressant besoin; ce qui est...

Cornelia J. Randolph to Jane H. Nicholas Randolph, 28 Jan. 1818

This is the last letter I shall probably write whilst I am in Richmond My Dear sister, & I must write as if for a wager, to be able to finish it in time for the post, I have just reciev’d yours & would not answer it at all but that such favours from you...

Ellen Carr to Dabney S. Carr, with postscript by Hetty Carr, 28 Jan. 1818

We have just received your letter of 24th date, and which mamma requests me to answer, as she is very busy knitting old Lady Betty’s stocking’s, but for that, I assure that I would only answer letters written to myself, which are few therefore if you wish to hear from us often, write to me, more...

Ellen W. Randolph (Coolidge) to Martha Jefferson Randolph, 28 Jan. 1818

I received your letter of the 19th only this morning, but as I have written regularly without waiting for answers, you have not been a sufferer by this delay, and as Papa got down day before yesterday, I knew that you were all in good health—I am truly sorry for V.s disappointment, and I regret...

David M. Randolph (1798–1825) to Nicholas P. Trist, 10 Feb. 1818

Sometime since a bundle & letter was sent from Norfolk directed to you, they were sent from New Orleans, to a merchant in the above named town and by him sent to his son, in this place, to be delivered to you, by accident the young man heard me mention your name, and directly informed me of...

Elizabeth Trist to Emma Walker Gilmer (Breckinridge), 10 Feb. 1818

I expect’d I shou’d have had the pleasure of receiving a letter from you ere this, presuming on your being settled in Liberty and at leisure to take up the Pen, but not having heard from any of the family since leaving Bird wood conclude that your dear Father is on the wing for Williamsburg as...

Elizabeth Trist to Catharine Wistar Bache, 15 Feb. 1818

I cannot withhold my expressions of sincere condolence from the dread of its, lacerating the wound that you have experienced by the death of your respectable worthy and truly amiable Brother I have felt much on the occasion and indeed so have all this family Mr Jefferson was in some degree...

Etienne St. Julien de Tournillon to Nicholas P. Trist, 8 Mar. 1818

ayant appris par la Lettre que vous ecrivez à V. maman que vous aviez perdu votre malle: je joins Sous le pli de La présente Deux coupons de deux Billets de $50. cette petite Somme pourra vous mettre à même de Vous faire faire de Suite les objets les plus nécéssaires; je vous enverrai Dans le Ct...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin Waterhouse, 3 Mar. 1818 [Quote]

when I contemplate the immense advances in science, and discoveries in the arts which have been made within the period of my life, I look forward with confidence to equal advances by the present generation; and have no doubt they will consequently be as much wiser than we have been, as we than...

Margaret Smith Nicholas to Jane H. Nicholas Randolph, 12 Mar. 1818

We have just been made most completely happy by receiving letters from three of our dear Children, Robert, Cary Anne, and you. my dear Jane, Robert, say’s he will in a few days set out on his way home, he will visit Paris, and England on his return, but will make but a short stay at each place,...