Margaret Smith Nicholas to Jane H. Nicholas Randolph
My dear Jane | Mch 12th 1818 |
We have just been made most completely happy by receiving letters from three of our dear Children, Robert, Cary Anne, and you. my dear Jane, Robert, say’s he will in a few days set out on his way home, he will visit Paris, and England on his return, but will make but a short stay at each place, and expects to be in Baltimore in Apri April; Cary Ann say’s that this will change her plan, she did not intend coming to Virginia untill the Summer, but that she must come when with Robert comes. they will both be here on the first of May. and in the Middle of July, we shall all meet again, once more, at poor dear Warren. I forgot to mention in my last, that I beg you will not give abandon your intention of visiting us next Month, It will be so very convinient, that I do not know how you can resist it. And it would be so very convinient an opportunity to fashionize yourself before the arrival of Robert, and CaryAnn, I cannot ask you to meet them here, as would be delightfully agreeable to us all, If our house were a little larger but it is too small to accommodate you, with tolarable comfort to yourselves. I shall be obliged to put Robert in the room with Wilson, and Cary Anns Children in the Room with the girls. We have no garret Rooms, come my dear Jane with miss Randolph, and bring your dear little Mag with you, she, will I have no doubt assist you with the Children on the road, or you might bring Nancy, whose weight would not be much, and when you arrive here, you would find nurses in us all. Cary-Ann complains in all her letters of spending a very dreary winter, and that of course she had nothing to write about, Baltimore too, never was more gay, but her being in Mourning, made it improper for her to partake of it. her Mother in law too, has been confined with a dangerous complaint in one of her eyes, which has confined her to the house all the Winter and John, and Cary Ann, have thought it their duty, to give her all the time that they can spare. I feel ready to exclaim every line, are you not delighted that Robert, is certainly coming home,? I am very sure you are, no friend he has will be more so. It is so dark, that I can hardly see to write but I must tell you that the girls went to see Harriet Randolph last Saturday, she was at Tom Taylors, and they then went there, where they found her; they came home enraptured with her beauty. they will go again to see her tomnorrow, and will invite her to spend the next day with us I hope you will be able to read this, it is now quite dark, and the mail will soon close, I do not like to send so short a letter, and wish I had began sooner, the girls join me in love to all your Charming friends at Montecello. yours with great affection
My health has been very good ever since my last account of it.