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Elizabeth Trist to Mr. Kelly, 27 Mar. 1809

I may have acted improperly in the request I made to you Mr Randolph being the only person authorised to transact any business relating to my in this country and thro him the application shou’d have certainly...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to William McCandless, 29 Mar. 1809 [Quote]

I avail myself of this occasion of returning sincere thanks for the kind dispositions towards myself expressed in your letter, and for the sentiments, which it conveys, of approbation of my conduct in the administration of the public affairs. if that conduct has met the general approbation of my...

Elizabeth Trist to Elizabeth Kortright Monroe, 3 Apr. 1809

I am really feeling some delicacy at what I am about to exact from you as I know it will be attended with some trouble to you but your kind offer to execute my little commissions imboldens me to put your freindship to the test once more to get me a plain high posted mahogony bedstead with railing...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 27 Apr. 1809 [Quote]

we should then have only to include the North in our confederacy, which would be of course in the first war, and we should have such an empire for liberty as she has never surveyed since the creation: & I am persuaded no constitution was ever before so well calculated as ours for extensive...

Thomas Mann Randolph to Francis W. Gilmer, 11 June 1809

My delay to answer your two most acceptable favors hangs on my mind with a sensible weight, to remove which I am so desirous that I will not go in search of a larger or better piece of paper lest some occurence should deprive me of the moments leisure I now have, not disturbed by any embarassment...

Elizabeth Trist to Catharine Wistar Bache, 10 July 1809

I shou’d have embraced an earlier opportunity to make my acknowledgements for your kind favor by Jefferson Randolph but being on a visit to Mrs Monroe it did not reach me till the day before yesterday I beg you to accept my sincere thanks for your polite and friendly invitation and the unexpected...