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Marie Jacinthe de Botidoux to Martha Jefferson Randolph, 18 Apr. 1790

Dimanche 18 Avril 1790— j’ai appris bien des nouvelles de Mlle Denis hier soir. je L’ai Mise sur Le Chapitre de Bath et Comme nous étions seules elle n’a pas été Long tems sans M’avoir debité tout Ce quelle en savoit—je t’ai Marqué que Mr Coppe vouloit faire son mariage avec L’ambassadeur de...

Marie Jacinthe de Botidoux to Martha Jefferson Randolph, 1 May 1790

1 May 1790 il nous est arrivé une anglaise dont L’histoire est un roman fort embrouillé ne t’etonne pas de n’y rien Comprendre puisqu’elle Même Ne Le peut pas—elle est fille unique et a perdu sa Mere, autant que je puis voir elle est très riche, a elle n’a que 15 ans Mais elle est grande Comme...

Marie Jacinthe de Botidoux to Martha Jefferson Randolph, 7 May 1790

7 May 1790 je vais te racconter une de mes petites bêtises pour que tu puisse te Moquer de moi à Ton aise je Crus Lire dans une Lettre de Curson il y a 15 jours quelle avoit recu de tes nouvelles depuis que tu etois en amerique. je me Mets à pleurer Comme une folle enfin au bout de deux heures,...

Marie Jacinthe de Botidoux to Martha Jefferson Randolph, 9 May 1790

Dimanche Le 7 9 May 1790 j’etois hier soir Chez Mde De Villiers faite Comme un diable C’est a dire Comme à Mon ordinaire. on sonne au parloir, Mde D’orgemont Me dit que C’est Mr Shurt je Crois que C’est une plaisanterie Mlle Benard un instant après dit qu’il s’en est allé et qu’il n’a pas voulu...

Extract from the Journal of William Maclay, 24 May 1790 [Quote]

Jefferson is a slender man; has rather the air of stiffness in his manner; his clothes seem too small for him; he sits in a lounging manner, on one hip commonly, and with one of his shoulders elevated much above the other; his face has a sunny aspect; his whole figure has a loose, shackling air....

Thomas Mann Randolph to Thomas Mann Randolph (1741–1793), Oct. 1790

Immediately on receiving your letter I sent my servant back to Monticello for the Memo of the agreement between you & Mr Jefferson, which I had left not thinking I shd want it. The journey cannot be performed in less than 4 days & at the expiration of that time it shall be returned to you...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to Rev. William Smith, 19 Feb. 1791 [Quote]

The succession to Dr Franklin at the court of France, was an excellent school of humility. on being presented to any one as the Minister of America, the common-place question, used in such cases, was ‘c’est vous, Monsieur, qui remplace le Docteur Franklin?’ ‘it is you, Sir, who replace Doctor...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to Harry Innes, 7 Mar. 1791 [Quote]

I receive with pleasure this recognition & renewal of our former acquaintance, and shall be happy to continue it by an exchange of epistolary communications. your’s to me will be always welcome; your first gives me information in the line of Natural history, & the second (not yet recieved...

Caroline Tufton (Barham) to Martha Jefferson Randolph, 21 Mar. 1791

You cannot imagine my dear Mrs Randolph, how happy I was to hear from you, particularly as it was so long since I had written, that I began to fear you had either you had either never received my letter, or that you had quite forgot me; for though I was very glad to hear you were so happily...