Elizabeth Trist to Emma Walker Gilmer (Breckinridge)

My Dear Emma

I have been expecting to hear from some of the family for the last two weeks for I think I mention’d to you that I shou’d look for a letter from some of you every month and it is near six weeks since I have had a line from Bedford I hope sickness in the family has not been the cause of your silence—I cant suppose that you have intirely erased me from your memory remembrance, as Mr Burwell will, I expect call here on his way home, I avail my self of the opportunity to refresh your memory it is not my wish to impose a task upon you, but as there are three of you that can write, from one or the other every month a few lines wou’d not be severe duty, and it wou’d give me pleasure and [. . .] ease my mind of anxiety, which it is apt to imbibe when I am longer than usual without hearing from those I love Your Uncle Minors children write to me frequently and I am sure they have no more cause to love me than you all have I begin to entertain an opinion that you are gone back to New London to get instruction on the Piano Mr Burwell inform’d that Mrs Tucker had made an offer to bring Harriet as far on her way home as Lynchburg I wish that you may have an opportunity of seeing her Mr Burwell thinks that she is much improved by the opportunity afforded her I wish you had the same chance I wish that I was rich that you might obtain every accomplishment particularly musick, that is, if you have any taste for it. but that must give place to more important duties make a good House Wife and cultivate your mind you have an excellent example in your dear Mother who always had firmness to do what she thought right, and cut her coat according to her cloth, that is never to go into expences that she cou’d not afford—I left Farmington on the 30th April on the 2d of May Uncle and Aunt Divers set out to visit Mr Minor The Doctor Saml Carr and Dabney Minor but Aunt Divers was taken unwell and returnd home in two days she brought Susan Fry with her who wrote me that Patsey was to go with her Aunt Louisa but she was disappointed and went to spend a week at Farmington as Albert Quarles had gone to spend a week in Louisa, I shou’d have gone this week to Mr Higginbothams but postponed it till next week as I wish to see Mr Burwell

Mr Jefferson put off1 his visit to poplar Forest in consiquence of Mr Correa letg him know that he shou’d come to Monticello to take leave before he set out for Portugal I immagin your Uncle Francis will be sorry to part with his old friend Ellen and Virginia has gone to Richmond to get the aid of the dentist they are not to make a long visit—I am in great hopes of seeing you this summer or Autumn tho My friends are so kind as to express a wish for me to remain another year in Albemarle for Nicholas to escort me I am grown so old that I begin to be weary of an Itinerant life but it will depend on circumstances whether I go or not I long to see your little sister and indeed all the family tell Harmer and Francis that I will write to them if I have time, Cornelia Randolph desir[es] her love to you I dont know which of the Girls will go to Bedford with their Grand Father there is no time fixd for his setting out his health has improved very much but he says that old age has overtaken him at last but he looks as well in the face as he did ten years ago—Your Cousin Browse desires to be Remembered to you all he wou’d write by this opportunity but has several letters to write

Remember me to the servants and believe me affectionately Your sincere Friend
E. Trist
RC (ViU: Francis Walker Gilmer Papers, Mss 38-588); edge trimmed; addressed: “Miss Emma Gilmer Liberty Bedford Va.
1Manuscript: “of.”
Date Range
May 14, 1820