Mr de liniers à lhonneur dengager Monsieur de jeffreson a une partie de chesse au poire et au melon aller. il lui sera obligée de vouloir bien rendre reponse par ecrit au commissionnaire.
for we may safely aver, that Mr. Jefferson is the first American who has consulted the fine arts to know how he should shelter himself from the weather.
Thos Jefferson 157 acres Form pages George the third &c To all &c Know ye that for divers good Causes and Considerations but more especially for and in Consideration of the Sum of Twenty Shillings of good and lawful Money for our use paid to our Receiver General of our Revenues in this...
Thos Jefferson Esqr 196 as AlbemarleExd Edmund Randolph Esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia To all To whom these presents shall come Greeting Know ye that in Consideration of the Ancient Composition of one pound Sterling paid by Thomas Jefferson Esquire into the Treasury of this...
Thomas Jefferson Esqr 222 acres AlbemarleExd Edmund Randolph Esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia To all To whom these presents Shall Come Greeting Know ye that in Consideration of the ancient Compositions of one pound five Shillings Sterling paid by Thomas Jefferson Esquire Into the...
Thos Jefferson 485 Acres AlbemarleExd Beverley Randolph Esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia to all to whom these Presents shall come Greeting Know ye that by virtue of an order of Council and in Consideration of the Ancient Composition of two pounds ten Shillings Sterling paid by...
I have expected a letter from My Dear Jefferson, for several months, with the most anxious impatience, but I am resolved to render my conviction subservient to my wishes, and to believe that anything rather than loss of health, or want of affection to your friend, have occasioned your long...