Reuben Perry’s Advertisement for Runaway Slave James Hubbard

ranaway, from his plantation, in Albemarle, a negro man called james hubbard of the property of the Subscriber, living in Bedford, a Nailor by trade, of 27 years of age, about six feet high, stout limbs and strong made, of daring demeanor, bold and harsh features, dark complexion, apt to drink freely and had even furnished himself with money and probably a free pass; on a former elopement he attempted to get out of the State Northwardly, and was taken and confined in Halifax Jail for some time, being then the property of Thomas Jefferson, and probably may have taken the same direction now; whoever apprehends the said slave, and delivers him to the Subscriber in Bedford county, or into the Jail of either Albemarle or Bedford, shall receive Forty Dollars in addition to what the law allows.

April 12.
Reuben Perry.
Published in the Richmond Enquirer, 12 Apr. 1811.
Date Range
April 12, 1811