TJRS Is Facet?

Anonymous Description of Central College Board of Visitors Meeting on The Founding of the University of Virginia: Central College, 1816–1819, [7 May 1817]

“On Monday last, our court day in Charlottesville, we were gratified in seeing together, Mr. Jefferson, Mr. Madison and Mr. Monroe, the three most illustrious men of Virginia, and successive Presidents of the U. States. The presence of these gentlemen, two of whom have filled with distinguished...

Thomas Jefferson Randolph’s Newspaper Advertisement for Poplar Forest and Monticello Estate Sales, 3 Nov 1826

mr. jefferson’s estate We cannot forbear inviting the attention of the reader to the advertisement of the intended sale of Mr. Jefferson’s property—We understand all that the Executor can controul has been brought forward for sale; and that the residue of the lands will be offered as soon as...
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