Martha B. Baker to John Wayles Eppes
Febuary the 19th [1820?] |
Lesson’d indeede I should feel in my own opinion my dearest Brother to condem any act of yours—Your reasons are not singular, & assure yourself of this truth your Sister will be the last to put unfavourable constructions on your conduct—The only sentiment I feel, is the sincerest regret, that Mr Baker, had not known your objection, he has one thousand times wish’d, he had spared you so much uneasiness—I should have set down & answer’d your letter, as soon as I read the postscrip to me, but all my children have been ill & still continue, two sick, for me, to visit Sally who is in wretched health—Mr Lane wrote Mr Baker yesterday he has no hope of ever recovering—I also yesterday, received your letter & Matildas of the 6th but none from Sister Martha —one letter is all I have received from her, I am sorry you do not think your head better—we hope as the spring comes on you will feel better—for some hours, I fear’d we should loose Jerman, his fevers were very high & his head very much affected he is at school to day for the first time for 10 days—Do not my dear Brother think any more of the bond not for all the wealth & honours this world could bestow would I have a differance with you the erer committed by Mr Baker in sending to you with out asking first will I hop make no differance with you—he has been miserable ever since, You know not my Husbands feelings for you, he would not have sent it, if he had thought you would have been so uneasy—nor will him or my self feel hurt at your name being left out—tell Sister she must write to me often—to hear from you all often will add much to my happiness here Aunt Hylton has been very kind to me she stay’d all last week with me, she desires her love to you & yours I have no more paper—tell Matilda I will write her in a few days—my love to her, & Sister Martha, & accept from me every thing that the affectionate feelings of your Sister can offer
write to me, & say you are not hurt any way, I am sure I am not