Robert G. Hite to Thomas Mann Randolph
Head Quarters St Lawrence 6th Nov 1813 |
Genl Orders
The boats will pass Prescott this night after the sitting of the moon in the following order; The Gun boats to cover the front & exposed flank; The boat of the Genl in chief will lead, followed by the whole of the ordnance boats & scows, then the corps of Col Macomb, the riflemen & Col Randolph, who are to be followed by brigades & regemints as directed for the flotilla at French Creek. The hospital vessel & contractor’s boats will take the station heretofore prescribed.
To save all unnecessary hazard the powder & amunition has been landed & will pass the enemy’s batteries in wheel carriages, & to save the men from unnecessary exposure, the boats are to be manned strongly & the rest of the troops are to be marched by land under cover of the night to such point below Ogdensburg as the General may hereafter direct; but it is to be understood that every boat is to [be] conducted by a Commissioned officer or sergeant of Unquestionable fidelity. Brig Genl Brown General officer of the day will see this order carried rigorously into effect
By Command
asst adj Genl