Elizabeth Trist to Unknown
[ca. 1810] |
Your kind favor by last weeks mail accompanied by one from my Daughter now Madame St Julien de Tourneillon occasiond a my heart to glow with feelings that it has been long a stranger to, a reiteration of your continued friendship and good wishes, and assurance of her happiness in consiquence of the change that had taken place in her condition were calculated to animate my mind to an enthusiastic degree for the goodness of Almighty God who has granted my petitions daily offerd for the preservation of my friends and the happiness of my children, owing to the miscarriage of a letter I am unacquainted with the the particulars of her union with the with Mr T. nor do I know any thing of his general character where he is from or what his age is but I have reason to conclude that he is rich and that he is liberal and kind to all connected with her Nicholas says that that he is made very happy by his Mothers marriage that they have a father friend and protector that he is temperate mild and industrious for he is up every morning by day light to superintend the Negroes who are clearing land and they expect to have a fine crop next year that they only want my society to compleat their happiness Marywrites me that Mr Tournillon desires her to say every thing in their joint names to induce me to pass the remainder of my days with them and what ever money may be necessary for the expence of my journey to draw on her fair and that it shall be duly honord and that Mr T desires her to say that if I wish to dispose of my half of that plantation that he will purchase it, that it has been long her earnest wish to make me this offer as the only means of making me independent of my friends for my private expences which she says she knows is so necessary to my happiness begs that I will not permit the interest of my Grand Sons to deter me as it is for them that he wishes to buy it they were to set out in a few days for Orleans to place the Boys at College Nicholas was there last year and has been honord at the examination with a premium and crown in the Translation class and Mathematical classes his Mother says the improvement in his character exceeds her most sanguine expectations has grown five inches the last year. with a Northern complexion and robust health which you may depend is very pleasing news to me Browses constitution is delicate but I am in hopes the change will be of advantage to him in point of talents I am certain that he will not be inferior to his Brother excuse my obtruding on your time by a detail of occurrences that can not be very interesting to you
your present has occasion’d us many a laugh it is certainly a compleat satire on those characters who rule the British Goverment I presume it must have been written by Coleman it seems in his style God God if I cou’d see them lash’d to the bone it wou’d delight me I look on the P— R— as one of the vilest characters Since in the world certain it is we have nothing to hope for from his clemency his orders breathe nothing but destruction to our Towns and Death to our citizens but I hope the Torpedoes will be set in motion to good effect I tremble for the consiquences when I hear of their taking prisoners where will it end if they put to Death those poor fellows that they dont admit to be citizens of the U States tho they have been naturalized and lived for in our country for years before the war our retaliating dont seem to intimidate them I take for granted that those who have been sent to england will be extirminated and those that they have in custody in Quebec will go of course if we put our threats in execution which we must do I can not bear this cool Bland warfare I had great hopes that the success of our arms in Canada wou’d have emancipated those poor fellows from their dungeons but I fear I have been to confident as well as your Self our last papers has reach’d not us but I hear that they all our troops have gone into winter quarters