Marie Trist Jones Tournillon to Nicholas P. Trist
Dearest Nicholas | April 20th 1820 |
I received a polite and affectionate letter from Lewis Livingston announcing his intention of visiting New York and appearing to be the bearer of any thing I wish to send you, I have asked him to take charge of the triplicate of that bill for one hundred and fifty dollars if mr [Duhey?] has not already sent it as he promised your Father, also your sword dirk & if it has arrived; your Father and I wrote to you and Browse since the twentieth of March to acquaint you that mr Nott had consented to received fifteen hundred dollars a year and give you a credit as tis paid to him on mr Callander of New York, your Father sent him six hundred dollars immediately, of which one hundred and fifty is intended for you the same sum for your grand mother and three hundred for Browse but he must draw for four hundred and fifty as the money is only at the disposition of your self and brother, next week your Father intends sending mr Nott two hundred dollars for you but do not draw on mr C— for it before I write you you must manage this until next October when you will receive the residue of your allowance if you contract any debts do not promise to pay them before that time. I am sorry to say our prospects are not very agreeable the mill has stopped though it has sawed only three weeks, many are of opinion that the river will rise again which is devoutly to be wished as five thousand dollars less in our revenue will not add much to our comfort or peace of mind. The pamphlet which you promised in your letter of the first of March has not arrived I know too little of the affair to be able to form an opinion about it, I have only to hope that the part you have taken in it will not deprive you of the station you merit in your Class, when you can send me your likeness with convenience let be in Oil Colors do not be drawn with a cravat but choose a costume that exposes your neck, I am in a great hurry as I wish to answer Lewis’s letter instantly for the vessel he goes in sails within a few days adieu my dear Child the family embrace you tenderly
Dumoulin has just arrived, to our great consternation as we dread the contagion of his disorder for on account of our dear little Children, I requested him not to kiss them, it was a painful task though I did it in as delicate a manner as possible but, it was my duty—M. T.
go and see the Lewis family Mrs Bache and Callander