Margaret Smith Nicholas to Jane H. Nicholas Randolph
My dear Jane | Oct 4th 1817 |
You looked with great anxiety, and some little vexation, I presume, for our Carriage, on its way for CaryAnne. perhaps you may ere this have heard the reason why it did not go. If not; the enclos’d will give it you. It was a sad disappointment to us all, altho, she was certainly very right, the journey in such hot weather wou’d have been extremely hazardous, both to herself, and the Baby. We spent a very merry time Whilst our friends from Carrs Brook were with us. And only had to regret your not being with us. we cou’d have accommodated you with great comfort. We din’d as usual alternately at each house, which made it quite easy to each housekeeper. Mr Patterson was the best company imagineable, the ladies were quite charmed with him. We have now, all our preparations to make for Richmond; which will keep off the Blues. Mr Patterson will tell you, how near we are disposing of the greater part of this Estate. We shall not go to Richmond before the middle of next month; There is great lamentation among our people, there are twenty to go out immediately to the Ohio, among these are all Harrys family, little Betty, and Letty, &tc, Poor old Peter died very suddenly on thursday. Tell Dolly her Mother and Sister; were on the list to go, but on her account, I begged them off. Mr Patterson will tell you (if he sees you) that he and Polly have determin’d to go to Baltimore this Winter they will go after Christmas. Adieu yours with great