John Wayles Eppes to Francis Eppes

Dear Francis,

I have not written to you lately—It is not however from any want of affectionate remembrance, but has been produced solely by the dangerous situation of Caesar whose life I feel some pleasure in reflecting has been preserved by good nursing. He has had a violent inflamatory bilious attack—commonly called in this neighbourhood the bad fever. I consider him at present out of danger though unable to walk—He had a fever without complete intermission 27. days—

Your mama and the rest of the family are well—Martha just got out of her confinement on Monday last—

It is my wish if I can to come up to the examination—I do not at present know any thing, to prevent it unless others of my people should be taken with this fever—

We have just plaistered the rooms of the house—The passage and stair way still to do—I have carpenters also at work doing some trifles about the house after which they will finish the yard—

Mr Robert Jones has been with us 4 weeks and will probably be here when you return—Colo. Burton and his family have been with us a short time—They are going to day to Lynchburg on a party of pleasure & as high as liberty—As they will pass New London I send this letter by them—

If any accident prevents my coming up I will send the horses so as to be at New London on the Evening of the 24th—You may perhaps get that Evening to your Grand Papa’s and start the next morning home—

adieu my son accept for your health & happiness every wish from

Your affectionate father
Jno: W: Eppes

Give my respects to Mr Dashiel and his lady and tell them I shall be glad to see them on their return to Maryland—By my house is the nearest and best rout to Frederickburg.

RC (NcD: John Wayles Eppes Papers); addressed: “Mr Francis Eppes Junr New-London” by “Colo. Burton.”
Date Range
September 9, 1818