Margaret Smith Nicholas to Jane H. Nicholas Randolph
My dear Jane | May 26th 1818 |
I have this moment received your letter from kent, who had been on the look out for Col Randolph’s boat, as I had a box of plumbs, and oranges, and five tongues packed up to send by it. which I hope you may receive in good time. there are two dozen of oranges, you hear from us so regularly, that you are quite spoiled, the missing one Mail, has put you in the Blue-devils, do you not know that bad news always flys with speed. do not alarm yourself ever, about my health, I think we understand my complaint now, so well, that we can always check it, before it reaches any hight, I have been on a strick regimin for some time, which they say, has caused my being so well for the last fortnight, but for my own part, I have no doubt, but it is the change of weather, that has produced my present good health.
Will it not be thought disrespect in you to give away Mrs Morris’s present. the Box has not come to the house, so that I cannot give you my opinion of the China, but I suspect it to be much too eligant for my China. I thank you for the ginger, I think of all sweetmeats it is the most delightful; Your Aunt Randolph is not expected until the last of this Week, I will not send the pot of butter; until I hear of her arrival. I have just received a supply from Grace, which is as good as butter brought from such a distance can be. We count the day’s now, to the time, when we shall all meet once more at Warren. all except our dear little Midshipman. I gave you all I knew from Cary-Anne in my last. I do not know whether Sarah inform’d you in her last, why you had not heard from us by the mail, that you complain of. She propos’d to me to Write to Polly, and CaryAnne, and that she would write to you. I perform’d my part, but why she did not perform hers I do not now recollect. The girls say if I write one letter to Polly, that I give you two for it. I suspect you will think so too, as I believe this is the third that I have written to you in the last week. The Town is at this time all agog, on the arrival of the Celabrated Mrs French. She will sing to Night, and it is expected there will be an immence concourse to hear her. We visited Elisabeth Randolph yesterday, she has gone through the Measles charmingly, we did not see her, as she had just taken a dose of physick; our Ellen is quite well, I expect daily that our girls will be laid up. I wish from my soul you were here that you might have the bennefit of this favorable kind, and good Season. We have just had a frolick of picking gooseberries, but our Garden has only produced eight bottles, we have had green pease, and strawberries from our own Garden every day since last friday. but alas we have only blue milk to eat with them. Yours with great Affection.