Bernard Peyton to Thomas Jefferson Randolph
Dear Randolph | Richd 27 Apl 1818 |
Owing to the negligence of my clerk (which I believe is unexampled) you have forwarded 42½ Tons Plaister instead of 35 as you wished which I hope will make no difference with you—the error was committed by not examining1 what had been sent until it was too late, the parcel was large & I suppose he tho’t he never could get thro’ it—
I will furnish Miss Nicholas with any amount of funds she may wish on ℀ Mr Randolph
let me hear from you on the subject of the Plaister—there is a quadrat now on the way up to you—In great haste
Four blank Notes are all safely to hand & money scarcer here than ever it has been since I have known the place—failures very frequent & I fear will be more & more as daily—