John Waugh’s Letter of Recommendation for Dabney Cosby to Alexander Garrett
Dear Sir | Staunton January 7th 1819 |
This will be handed you by my freind Dabney Cosby Esqr who is on his way to Richmond and who if the law of the last Session of Assembly respecting the establishment of a University in this State shall be carried into effect and shall be Established at the central Colledge Near your place will be a candidate for the undertaking of a part or all of the Brick work—
Should that be the case I take pleasure in Introducing him to your acquaintance as a man in whom the greatest confidence may be placed—not only as a man of Honour and Integrity but as a Workman and any Service you can Tender him if he shall make application in getting him in [there?] will be acknowledged as a favour done to me. I feel much Interested1 in his well fare—I am with the greatest Respect your frind &C