Thomas Jefferson Randolph’s and Wilson Cary Nicholas’s Bond to John Wayles Eppes
Know all men by these presents that we Wilson Cary Nicholas and Thomas Jefferson Randolph of the county of Albemarle and state of Virginia are held and firmly bond unto John Wayles Eppes of the county of Buckingham and state aforesaid in the Just and full sum of five thousand, five hundred dollars of current money of this commonwealth to be paid to the said John W. Eppes or his certain attorney executors administrators or assigns for the true payment where of we bind ourself ourselves our heirs, executors and administrators firmly by these presents, sealed with our seals.
Date this 15th day of November 1815.
The Condition of the above obligation is such that if the above bounden Wilson C Nicholas his heirs, executors or administrators do and shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the above named John W. Eppes his executors administrators or assigns, the full sum of two thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars on the first day of July ensuing the date of the above written obligation than the above obligation to be void or else shall remain in full force
Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of}
Th M Randolph |
W. C. Nicholas |
Th J Randolph |
Principal | $2750. |
Int from 1t July to 15 Nov—4½ Mo | 61.88 |
2811.88 |
Richmond Nov. 15th 1816
received the above amount of Twenty Eight Hundred & Eleven Dollars 88 Cents, in full of the within for John W. Eppes Esqr
Patrick Gibson |
[per] Jas Ligon |