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Format: 2024-09

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to Maria Jefferson Eppes, 26 Oct. 1801 [Quote]

it would be a great satisfaction to me ... to have the enjoiment of family society for a few days undisturbed. nothing can repay me the loss of that society, the only one founded in affection and bosom confidence ... it is in the love of one’s family only that heartfelt happiness is known. I feel...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to James Monroe, 24 Nov. 1801 [Quote]

Could we procure lands beyond the limits of the US. to form a receptacle for these people? on our Northern boundary, the country not occupied by British subjects, is the property of Indian nations, whose title would be to be extinguished, with the consent of Great Britain; & the new settlers...

Extract from the Autobiography of John Adams, [ca. 1802–1805] [Quote]

Mr Jefferson, had been now about a Year a Member of Congress, but had attended his Duty in the House but a very Small part of the time and when there had never Spoken in public: and during the whole Time I Satt with him in Congress, I never heard him utter three Sentences together. The most of a...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to Volney, 20 Apr. 1802 [Quote]

Nero wished all the necks of Rome united in one, that he might sever them at a blow. so our ex-federalists, wishing to have a single representative of all the objects of their hatred, honour me with that post, and exhibit against me such atrocities as no nation has ever before heard or endured. I...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to James Monroe, 3 June 1802 [Quote]

I observe that the resolution of the legislature of Virginia, of Jan. 23. in desiring us to look out for some proper place to which insurgent negroes may be sent, expresses a preference of the continent of Africa, or some of the Spanish or Portuguese settlements in S. America: in which preference...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to Rufus King, 13 July 1802 [Quote]

The course of things in the neighboring islands of the West Indies appears to have given a considerable impulse to the minds of the slaves in different parts of the US. a great disposition to insurgency has manifested itself among them, which, in one instance, in the state of Virginia broke out...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to James Monroe, 13 Jan. 1803 [Quote]

mr Madison’s friendship & mine to you being so well known the public will have eagle eyes to watch if we grant you any indulgencies out of the general rule; and on the other hand, the example set in your case will be more cogent on future ones, and produce greater approbation to our conduct....

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to Levi Lincoln, 30 Aug. 1803 [Quote]

disapproving myself of transferring the honors and veneration for the great birthday of our republic, to any individual, or of dividing them with individuals, I have declined letting my own birthday be known, & have engaged my family not to communicate it. this has been the uniform answer to...