It appears doomed that I am always to begin every letter to you dear Nancy with an apology. I should have written to you as soon as I heard through Mr Wadsworth of Gouverneur’s illness, but I was my self confined to my bed at the time. My health although greatly improved is still delicate, and I...
I was extremely Mortified dear Sister at having past through New York without seeing you as I had intended. but we were detained so long in Baltimore by a violent cold and sore throat that I had, that we were obliged to come on as rapidly as possible that Jefferson might return immediately. as it...
Thank you dear Sister for your kind letter. This sad winter is gone, but the misfortunes which have marked it’s progress are as irremediable in themselves as the recollection of them will be lasting and bitter. Mr Bankhead’s conduct has been extremely kind and proper; he has given me the most...
I have not written for a long time My dear Sister because in truth I had nothing but painful subjects to communicate. the unfortunate event of the sale I have long anticipated not altogether however to the extent it has gone. the property has fallen very far short of the payment of the debts. it...
I could never make you understand my dear Sister how impossible it is for me to be punctual, without any laziness on my part. but you have been kind enough to give me credit for my good intentions and wave all ceremony in writing your self, for which I am most grateful. we have allways a great...
It is really so long since I wrote last that I am ashamed of addressing one against whom I have sinned beyond the hope of pardon, but as in withholding them, I deprive you of nothing but repetitions of a truth that you already know, the scarcity of my letters ought to add some what to their value...
I cannot withhold my expressions of sincere condolence from the dread of its, lacerating the wound that you have experienced by the death of your respectable worthy and truly amiable Brother I have felt much on the occasion and indeed so have all this family Mr Jefferson was in some degree...
Your very acceptable favor of the 9th of July did not reach me till last week its detention I presume has been occasiond by the great freshes which have impeded the transportation of the mails, we have had a very wet and I think a very unpleasant summer at least it has proved so to me, without...
I can not resist the impulse of my heart to communicate to you the pleasure I know you will feel as well as my self, at hearing my dear children acknowledge their happiness—in the 1st place Since I wrote to you I got a letter from Nicholas ...