Martha Jefferson Randolph to Jane H. Nicholas Randolph
Monticello Aug. 14, 1818 |
I detained Jem My Dear Jane in hopes Wormley would arrive in time for him to have some of a lamb I sent to Edgehill for this morning as he has not arrived I have had a quarter that was larded to braise wrapped up and such vegetables as our garden affords with orders to try and meet wormley and get more and another quarter of lamb as you may not like it larded. I am much mortified at the accident and wish we had a driver to send you. but Phill has not returned—by the bye if you have not seen Meade lately you must prepare your mind for something truly [. . .] monstrous so as not to be too much shocked when you do. I should be loth to have so much good and handsome blood on both sides spoild spoilt by an accident. God bless you we beg to be affectionately presented to your our mutual friends and hope to see them all tomorrow yours most affectionately—