Bernard Peyton to Thomas Jefferson Randolph
My Dear Jefferson | Richd 22d Decemr 17 |
I am this morning favord with your esteemd letter of the 19th current & note contents—I congratulate you upon your brightening prospects of making a fortune; particularly as it will be at the same time a benefit to the old Gentleman for I am quite certain the rent you are to pay will be more than he would ever1 make under his own direction from the Estate—I will with great pleasure purchase the 35. Tons Plaister of which you speak and forward it by every opportunity and on the best possible terms, the freight tho’ just now is very high (say $8 to Milton) and a toll at Columbia of $1.12½ pr Ton which is enormous
I saw the Husband of your Woman the other day & requested him to ask the Gentleman with whom she lives to call on me in order to settle her Hire & if he wished it (which he told me he did) would sell her to him lower than any other person, when he does so I will endeavour to effect a sale at the best price I can—I do not recollect her, but suppose she is worth $300 @ 400 Cash—I will advise you so soon as any thing decisive is done in it—
Your directions on the subject of the Candles shal[l] be attended too, I suppose he will be reluctant tho’ to take them back as they are now old and the price much fallen, I’m sorry the mistake occurred, particularly2 as I pressed him so hard for them under a belief he risked to cheat—
I have not been able to see3 Watson this morning on the subject of the Castings but will do it the first opportunity & if to be had will forward them to you immedeately & in either event write you by next mail—Flour is dull to day at $9 @ 9 1/8, Wheat 11/3 Corn $3 @ 3½ Tobacco $8 @ 12½ old—$4 @ 10½ fo[r] new both [. . .] as well as Wheat—Plaister 9½ @ 10—In haste
N.B. Your Sisters & Col: Nicholas’s family are all well—