Mary Trist Jones Tournillon to Elizabeth Trist
My Dear Mother |
As Our Children do not wish to return to Orleans we are determined to make every exertion in our power to enable us to send them in the Spring to finish their Education in the States. will you ask the opinion of those friends whose Judgment you have the most Confidence in, which will be the Most Eligable College to place them in, and if possible let me know the annual expences, and the time of payments. I will write you soon, in [. . .]
Your Daughter
M Tournillon
RC (NcU: NPT); undated; subjoined to Hore Browse Trist to Trist, 28 Aug. 1816; addressed: “Mrs Elizabeth Trist Care of Peachy R. Gilmer Esqr Henry Court House Virginia”; stamped; postmarked Lafourche, La., 29 Aug. 1816; endorsed by Trist: “HB Trist.”

Date Range
August 28, 1816