Joseph Bloomfield to Thomas Mann Randolph
5th Military District Head Quarters Washington Septr 14—1813 |
General Orders.
Capt. John Ritchie’s company of 2d Regt. of Artillery, now in Garrison at Fort Washington on the Potomac, will be relieved on the 18th Inst. by a Detachment from the 36th Regt. Infty—Consisting of one Captain, one first Lieut. one Second Lieut. & one third Lieut: five Sergeants, Six Corporals, one Drummer & fifer & 50 privates—
Capt. Ritchie will continue in Command of Fort Washington untill relieved by a Capt. of Artillery.
The Subaltern officers of Capt. Ritchies Company will proceed with all the noncommissioned officers, musicians & privates from Fort Washington to Fort George in Upper Canada by the way of Fredrick-Town & Carlisle, or such other route & under such directions, as Col: T. M. Randolph of the 20th Regt. of Infantry shall be pleased to give, & to whom the Officer who shall command the Said Company will report—
The Quarter Master General will furnish transportation.
Br Genl Commandg