Acknowledgment of Central College Bond for Hire of Slave Laborers
This day recvd of N Barksdale Proctor to C Collge & hi & Ludlow Branham (the sd Barksdle security) bond for the hire of seven Negroes to wit 4 Men 2 Boys & a woman to the amt of six hundred & seventy dollar which sd Negroes is to be deliverd to sd Barksdale at the C College in or about the first day of Jany 1819 & to be [. . .] retrnd to sd Boxly without cloathing
15th Decr 1818
Pallison Boxley
Test |
Geo Vest |
John Nunn |
MS (ViU: PP); endorsed by Barksdale: “Pallison Boxley Recpts for bonds for the hire of Negroes 15 Decr 1818 $670–.”

Date Range
December 15, 1818